Menses are a natural cleansing cycle for the female body. The presence of candida makes them difficult, unusual and sometimes even problematic. Nothing to worry about... just be smart about it.
Ackward menses are a normal consequence of candida.
Difficult menses too, a way to prevent it is to do extra local antifungal treatment PRIOR TO menses.
To ease the intense die- off during menses you can use antioxydants to deal with the free radicals (vitamin A, C, E, etc) probiotics to compete with candida (yogurt culture), vaginal douche to ease the mucus out and enemas to ease the candida out of the colon.
To ease the intense die- off during menses-or at any time- you can reduce your treatment: P & B Shake, Threelac or other,
Take them less often each day or just skip until the menses are over. The more treatment- the more die off is a golden rule to remember.
I have experimented quite a few different local treatments.
I started off with allicin on a tampon at bedtime. Prick the gelcap and spread over the extremity of the tampon. Some people just insert the gel cap (it will dissolve ) and use a panty protection.
Now (lazy me) I just insert a piece of garlic clove into the very end of my vagina at bedtime and in the morning (the lazy yet effective solution).
It is important to keep taking out the mucus out of your vagina so as to avoid itchy sensation. Do the finger trick, insert the finger and gently rub the walls of the vagina, rinse finger and repeat. Wash hands thoroughly.
A soda solution will help with intense irritation. Put a bit of water at the bottom of your bath add 2 or 3 spoonfull of baking soda, dissolve by stirring get in and to the finger trick VERY GENTLY. Soda is basic and changes the acidity plus it eases the irritation effectively.
Some people make a garlic solution, a probiotic solution or use a pharmaceutical product.... I never did.... if you do share your experience with us!