Hi Suzy! Feel free to post in my forum, the "Ask shelley" forum, that way I won't ever miss any of your questions. :)
1. Hmmm! depends on WHY you have difficulty swallowing. Could be that currently you are too dehydrated and have too much mucus clogging up the works currently, so it would be best to take care of that FIRST with lymph cleansing and
colonics and pungent herbs/spices/teas. Also, check your thyroid. Put the tips of your fingers of both hands on etiher side of your neck, close to the center o fthe neck but to the side. Swallow. you should feel your Adam's Apple moving up and your throat receding. If instead there's a lump there that stays there, you may have a swollen thyroid interfering with your throat and that you should get checked out. Get a basic physical and make sure the blood work includes TSH.
2. Probably not. If you can get some gotu kola, make that as a tea and use that as an enema instead. Or just do
Epsom Salt enemas, or a bit of ACV.
3. No. Threelac doesn't have a lot of the friendly microbes, it mostly has "carnivoruous" microbes that attack the yeast and encourage yeast to fight back by going into the rhyzome stage. Yogurt, kefir, Primal defense, live acidophilus, Bragg's apple cider vinegar, are all good ways to get your probiotics, even if you have candida.
4. Possibly. Cod liver oil must be taken in small doses, like a teaspoon a day because it is so very potent with Vit A and D. You may still need more EFAs, the Omega 3s, so at that point it's good to use a different kind of oil for the Omega 3's. You have more choices than just fish oil, however. Flax, borage, evening primrose are good. Borage is best for people with estrogen issues.
5. If done under the care of an expert, most definitely, especially if one has been a complete vegan for several years. If you're willing to eat eggs and organic, pasture-grazed liver regularly, however, you really don't need injections. B12 is such an essential nutrient I wish that the basic physical included testing for levels of B12. I think a lot of the more serious chronic diseases like MS, Lupus, vasculitis, epilepsy, Alzheimers, could be prevented and even cured with injections of B12.