It seems more and more people are fed up with 9/11. Much of the info leads to seeing explosions seconds before each floor collapses and surving firemen explaining they heard multiple explosions. As the planes hit the buildings, the fuel went right on out the otherside in a fireball. The center beams of the buildings were more than strong enough to support the planes and the explosion of fireball. The center beams were some of the biggest ever built and it is impossible to collapse the floors, it goes against all science. The buildings actually fell faster than the law of gravity, this is ONLY POSSIBLE in the art of demolition known as "PULLING" a building.
In PULLING a building it takes 2 months to prepare the explosives, the building falls inward. The NEW OWNER of these buildings ONLY MADE 500 million $$$$$$ and everyones family who was murdered supposedly was paid off well, yet a few law suits against big brother have popped up by some survivors. The OWNER of these buildings shortly after 9/11 was videoed taped talking about "PULLING" the buildings. The demolition crew that carted off the buildings brag about being able to "PULL" a building so the beams all come down in 30 feet sections and can easly fit on their trucks, much information has leaked that these demoliton trucks were all stored near by and the large sections left were not much for such HUGE buildings and it all ended up in China quickly, but not as quickly as the Oklahoma cover up of the steel beams, as soon as a bomb expert General documented and TIME magazine showed the pictures that the building had internal bombs on every support beam that blew the building outward and not all done my an external bomb on the road below, as soon as big brother seen that everyone "knew", all of the evidence was taken to the edge of town and burried rapidly.
The video called Revisiting 9/11 examines the video of the buildings and it is as clear as a human eye can see that the buildings were professionally dropped, the buildings caved inward and fire bombs can be seen on each floor as the floors start stacking up on top of each other. The evidence or lack of evidence of the pentagon bombing is just as fishy, nothing adds up except the body count and the excuse to go destroy 2 countrys.
I won't mention the web site so as to not be too big of a conflict, but when you find a dollar bill with big brother's comic face on it, you will see mulitple web sites listed, just click on these and you can read and watch videos for more hours than you will have. My friend while traveling in Alaska/Canada seen a decorated truck with free DVDS by the thousands and a sign said please take 1 and make 10 copies to give away, it also had the funny money with all the web sites listed and thats how I was able to find the web sites.
Some will say its all just anti-government radicals who spend such time showing how crooked this world is ran. I was told by 2 people with inside info, such as a Harvard Chem Trail doctor who had spent her entire carreer working with the art of poisoning from the air and another who was a retired west point big shot who personally sprayed India back in 1960's and both hasd stories on the day 9/11 happened that would fit with these people now exposing the videos of 9/11 and the paper trails showing allot of people were preparing for 9/11 long before it happened.
How does this tie into health????? One goal of 9/11 was to vaccinate every human alive in the USA with small pox and re-create South Africa's succesful population reduction, those with just a little memory will remember how BIG BROTHER PUSHED and PUSHED to get the MDs to do this and no one wanted to, the medical doctors know about how dangerous this drug is and were not willing to roll up their sleeves as big brother tried for months to get them to do, they handed out millions and millions of dollars of grant money to cities to build methods of rounding up all the people and forcefully vaccinate them, it all failed the politicians of the cities sucked up the millions and decided to party instead. Did Ben have anything to do with 9/11???? The ex-army's buddy generals told him Ben was in a USA built hospital with a US MD and was removed 1 day prior to 9/11. The security tapes were pulled and old Ben had daily visitors, all cia according to what he was told by his general buddies. Odds are old Ben died shortly after 9/11, his kidneys were no good, his life was over, probably too many germ warfare days and too much depleted uranium exposure.
So now all the inside players of 9/11 have made BILLIONS in playing the "FEAR FACTOR" game and naturally their dirty little war games has made them billions and who knows how many billions they have made in oil/gas???
No matter what is true and what is false, the results are we now live in a more hostile and more polluted world and big brother is more powerful than ever and hungry for oil and race elimination. Will Iran give up their OIL???? The USA has hated IRAN for over 50 years, if for no other reason that IRAN often produced more USA currency than the USA mints produced. The wars have never stopped and most likely will not, hatred will be the result... Right now micro wave guns are being used and the demented soldiers make fun of how they crispy fry little children where they stand, they fry them instantly. The wars of today are just as evil as ever, there are no laws, no humanity efforts to see that the children are not murdered, when it comes to race elimination the soldiers art trained to kill them all. PBS documented this well in video when they were talking to a high ranking soldier and a small boy came up to him and begged for food and the officer took out his 45 pistol and blew the boys head off, the interveiwer asked this officer WHY and the simple reply was "he was Korean wasn't he"! Didn't matter that he was the Korean people that the soldiers were suppose to be setting free, to them a Korean was a Korean. The high ranking brain washed officiers will teach their men to do as Big Brother wants done, Big Brother being any group in power of a country with an army.
All of this war in the last 100 years has created a world very polluted with uranium, anthrax, plagues, viruses, bacterias, etc. along with their chem trail's and frequency devices that poison the land and the air waves. This all makes for a hard way of life, only the fittest will survive. To the farmer the fittest is all he wants when he has too much live stock to care for!!!!
Where ever there is a massive amount of people living, life will be the hardest, its like a farmer having a large barn and too many cows.
We can't make too many waves, those who own micro wave guns/towers and those who own the jets have control, the best we can do, is keep the body cleaner than the average person and learn to take care of our selves.
Those who have murdered the little children will fear death the most, this includes those who poison the air, poison the food, spray from above as well as the soldiers following commands. We who do not kill others are the wittnesses on earth, upon death, the wicked ones can never lie, their crimes were all wittnessed by us, as Nature hands down daily judgement while on earth, so will it be in Heavens above, judgement will always be just. God clearly states that the evil ones may not be humans, that many we meet in daily life may not be humans, that these beings are doing the will of God and we humans are in school, what we see and what our reactions are, may just be part of our daily grade. It is clear we are not to repay evil with evil, to do so would not be trusting in GOD. The evil ones only have power when we humans choose to be evil to them, this drags us down to their level. God rewardss those that stands firm and allows God to handle the situation.
The ONLY THING we know for sure, is that the current wars will shorten our life span.