A couple of things that I would suggest that may keep you from going through what I went through with the
Liver Flushes and mineral depletion(not to mention Candida overgrowth). (1)Take 3-6 months to build up a strong mineral reserve by following some of the suggestions in this forum and the Moreless Forum, combine this with the gradual
Liver Flush with the lemon juice/olive oil/water mix, and moderate(once a week coffee enemas, try and get regular exercise and avoid all junk foods(no sugar, white flour, cakes, pasteries, fried foods, etc.,) and foods that you are sensitive to or allergic to(you may have to get tested to find this out) (2) Now depending on how you are feeling after 3-6 months, go for a liver flush, but instead of doing one every 2 weeks or month as per standard protocol, do one every two months and see how you feel. Gradually try different things. Everyone is different so you may have to experiment to see what works for you. You don't have to do it all at once, take it a step at a time. You may want to try acupunture or castor oil packs, or osteopathic treatments, or 3 day apple fasts, just to see what effect these have on you. You can get a blood test before and after, which will give you a good snapshot of how much you improved.
Best Wishes