Hydrogen-Guzzling Stars Shows that All Stars are Young?
Chapter 13 of the Handy Dandy Evolution Refuter by Robert E. Kofahl tells us:
Some of the very bright O and B class, Wolf-Rayert, and P Cygni stars are radiating energy perhaps 100,000 to one million times as fast as our sun. They do not contain enough hydrogen to continue the necessary atomic fusion energy production at these rates for more than some tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years. This would suggest that perhaps the idea that stars are millions or billions or [sic] years old is wrong.
It would suggest that only if astronomers assumed that all stars originated at the exact same time. Anyone who as much as read a book on astronomy, or for that matter paid attention to the evening news, knows that that astronomers do not assume that. We have yet another case of garbage in; garbage out. Not all stars are of the same age and stars are still coming into existance today. Thus one cannot assume that just because some stars are not billions of years old that all of them are not billions of years old.
Kofahl is supposed to have a doctorate and be a scientist. I can really see only three basic ways to explain his use of this argument. Either he is grasping at straws in his attempt to limit the universe to being a few thousand years old, he is trying to intentionally con us with a blizzard of low-quality arguments in rapid-succession in hopes that we don’t notice, or he is guilty of being profoundly stupid.
Perhaps Robert A. Heinlein was thinking of people like Kofahl when he had Lazarus Long’s notebook say in Time Enough For Love, “Most ‘scientists’ are bottle washers and button sorters.”
Kofahl is also featured in my “Invariant Cytochrome C Sequences Disprove Evolution?” that documents his claim about the sequence of Cytochrome c that has been known to be false for two decades and that he could have very easily found to be false if he bothered to check his facts or read the works of the evolutionists who debunked his work. This something that is expected from people who are called scientists. Assuming he is not simply trying flimflam people into believing creationism than my conclusion is: bottle washer and button sorter indeed. The next essay deals with another distortion by Kofahl which is either lying or just incredible incompetence.