kayyak, MichelleT, creationistdude, ... believe that our world is 6000 years old.
Tell me you are just kidding!?
I don't exactly understand what you guys consider by "world 6000 years old", but I assume you are referring to "universe" composed of "empty" space and galaxies, stars, planets ...
Lets just imagine the world is 6000 years old.
How do you guys explain to yourself some scientific facts? Proven facts?
We have fossils of animals that lived 1 billion years ago (according to science).
Science is wrong, and if our world is 6000 years old, which year those animals lived in, and which year they got extinct? There must be some way you explain that to yourself?
Science has photos taken with Hubble Space Telescope.
It gives us reason to believe that there are 500 billion other galaxies in this universe.
Science believes that some of them are millions light years away.
Andromeda = 2 million 200 thousand light years away. The light we see today from Andromeda, left Andromeda 2.2 million years ago and traveled through empty space in that amount of time to reach our telescopes.
If our world is 6000 years old, but, in the same time we are able to see the light that is 2.2 million years old ... then 1+1 is not equal 2.
How do you explain that yourself?
Other galaxies are over 13 billion light years away.
13 billion years old light in 6000 years old world?????????
Do you believe that Light travels 186,000 miles per second???
7 1/2 times around the Earth, in one Earth second??
If not, how do you explain a computer to yourself? How do you explain internet? CureZone??????
You "click" on "a link", on your own screen. Your computer contacts CureZone server and requests a page. Server could be on another side of the world, thousands of mile away, especially if you live in Asia. Server responds and sends a page ... and all that happens in a fraction of a second ( fraction of a second if your internet connection is very high speed, 1 -2 sec if your internet connection is slow).
How do you explain internet?
In one minute light travels 11,160,000 (11 million 160 thousand miles). In an hour 669,600,000 (669 million 600 thousand miles). In a day about 13 billion miles. In a year 6,000,000,000,000 (6 trillion) miles.
All this is Earth time, time we know. Time on some other galaxies may be slightly different, but not billion years different.
Where, in those 6,000 years, do you place dinosaurs?
Where, in those 6,000 years, do you place Mammoths?
In Russia, complete Mammoths were discovered, frozen, with skin, muscles, and undigested food inside stomach.
Where, in those 6,000 years, do you place Mammoths?
Or you prefer to think dinosaurs never existed, Mammoths never existed?
God just created bones (and few frozen bodies) to keep scientist busy with something, and to allow Steven Spielberg to earn some extra money on Jurassic Park?
kayyak, MichelleT, creationistdude, do you believe that 1+1=2?
Do you believe that 1000 + 1000 = 2000?
If you do, how do you explain 18 billion years = 6,000 years?
Not even Einstein can explain such difference in time observed from the same planet, planet Earth?
Do you guys believe in natural forces? Gravity? Electromagnetic field?
Do you believe in Light?
Do you believe that gravity keeps earth rotating around the sun?
Moon rotating around the Earth?
Do you believe that gravity can be so strong to keep Light from escaping?
Do you believe that humans have satellites rotating around the earth, and that those satellites appear to us always on the same spot? Once we point a dish to a specific satellite, we don't have to move the dish?
Does anyone of you have satellite dish? Does anyone of you watch satellite TV programs or listen to satellite radio?
If yes, how do you explain such
Science to yourself?
It is all based on 1+1 = 2
If 6000 = 18 billions in your world, then internet would not exist. Satellites would not exist.
How do you explain the world you see?
Or, you prefer not to think about that? Why get confused with facts?
White Shark