The non-traditional religion of Secular Humanism, giving man as the measure of all things, has the fine distinction of holding the all-time world record for genocidal slaughter. Elitism kills. A minimum of 180,000,000 died to prove man a god in place of God. Evolution is the principle dogma of the religion of Secular Humanism. The faith of atheism has engaged in fraud, censorship and data manipulation, even carving Neandertal specimens, all to uphold their dogma of evolution.
Science doesn't fabricate or alter data to fit a theory. By their fruits you shall know them--on average, 4,931 deaths a day for one century. "Chose ye this day: life and blessing; or death and cursing." May we all cultivate an insatiable appetite for truth. Lying isn't science. Killing isn't science. It is the religion of satan, the "Father of Lies and Murder." This unconstitutional institution of a state religion, Secular Humanism, must go now!