The word "god" gets used for a lot of things anymore, some people even use it to describe "the stuff if nature that connects us all".
That means god is just something we all relate to.
We need a better word for that, when it does not involve religion.
That use of the word god refers to what religions call "the creator", the "guy in the sky", simply due to the long history of religion's use of the word "god". That connection cannot be denied, its just too pervasive. Thats why I allways reject "whatever" if it is associated with "god".
So this forum , being called God without religion, could raise the debate up a level by finding a word for "god without religion", a word that does not contradict the belief that there is NO CREATOR other than the forces of nature that put all this together over all those years, like evolution. [But evolution is definately not the replacement for the word god, not by a lonb shot.
With religion's god, or natures way, evolution is merely a tool that the creator would have used like he did with gravity or any other force of nature. I dopn't know why religious people get upset about evolution, its just the tool the creator would have used, as the belief goes [not my belief!!].]
No creator, no god at all, just nature starting with a hydrogen molecule. Maybe thats what "god without religion" is!Hydrogen, - we all realte to that eh/>?
After the molecules formed, there came life eventually. All that life has a similiar, if not exact same, origin. That connects us all, all living things.
But whoa!! All the things that are not living also have a connection with me. We also have a common origin, and thats is partly why I have this coinnection to all that is.
maybe its just a long memory?