Dr Day did not just use diet..she talk of forgiveness, learning to not be depressed, stressed out, learned to not hold grudges, exercise etc
here is an interview by her
I believe her tape you can;t improve on God explains hat she did/recommends
I think each person including Dr Day has the right to reflect on and decide what cancer treatment they want.
She had a head start over most of us in that she saw the bad effects of chemo and radiation and knew she did not want that.
I was recently diagnosed with an aggressive invasive breast cancer--triple negative
Breast Cancer a bad cancer.
I learned and reflected and decided the wisest course of action for me was to do a lumpectomy to get the cancer out and buy me some time to do an aggressive alternative health program which I am doing and planning on doing as I work to get it all together.
The 3 oncologist I saw all recommended mastectomy, removal of lymph nodes, chemo, (could not have radiation again as had it 20 years ago) and any drugs they thought might help.
they wee very hostile rude and angry that I chose to forego most of their recommendations and all said I would die without doing what they said.
I did find out that a blood vessel in the tissue and tumor they removed was found to have cancer in it on the inner wall so it seems it likely has spread but do not yet have symptoms or markers.
time will tell if they are right in my case. My biggest challenge is doing everything I know ion each day and changing my extremely negative mindset as far as stress, frustration, anxiety, hatred, anger, resentments etc
It is her business if she wants to release any biopsy reports etc...she is making noone do what she says..she is trying to wake people up and tell what she did to cure herself.
Dr Malkmus himself who originated the hallelujah diet had surgery. Surgery tends to be the most effective treatment the doctors have to offer..at first one is scared and some do treatments but eventually they may get interested in alternative health.
Dave the trucker did surgery and went 100% raw and got rid of his cancer (see the videos on him I posted of his journey). (under Dave the raw food trucker)
Some believe testing, biopsies and surgery spread caner..each must decide what they want to do
chrisbeatcancer on his blog has a study that shows chemo helps o little and form my personal research i very dangerous and can cause horrific permanent damage tot he brain and other vital organs.
I think most people doing alternatives health do a broad spectrum very comprehensive program to try to overcome their cancer and like Dr Schulze do not care hat works specifically as their goal is to not die and to overcome their cancer.
Since most use a comprehensive program, it is hard to pinpoint what worked and what did not and hen you have it you want it gone not to be doing research using your life as the measuring tool.
I do noticed those in at least 5 programs that the person recovered, large amounts of raw fruits and veggies are involved and it in my belief that this may be the biggest aid to health and healing.
But most want to be sure so they do as much as they can do and afford but thee are some who cured themselves with nothing more than a ton of carrot juice.
edit--dr day said that only 10% of her program was dietary.
I was reading dr Batmanghelidj book on cancer (obesity and depression) and he speaks of Dr Day and meeting her and she apparently said in interviews that she would not have gotten well without his research (concerning dehydration and its link to cancer) and said to hm in person when he asked why do you feel water/sea salt was the pivotal part of your healing when you are promoting an assortment of things, and sad cause none of it worked until I added our protocol. I just started reading this book and like she said it resonated with her, it did the same with me filling me with hope that this might be the answer.
From what I understand, she had the surgery to remove the lump as feared it bursting though the chest (and heard the smell of the tumor is nearly unbearable) but left cancer in her lymph nods, nose and collarbone.
Also chemo and radiation oftne fail as they do not kill the cancer stem cells which are the only ones that spread to distant areas (metastasis) so they often in time grow back..Lorriane Day's has not