Blue Stone
You have no resistance here. :-)
The truth can be seen in all comments so different viewers of an elephant from various vantage points, all reporting back strikingly different characterisitics of the same thing. can this be they
How can the sunlight be white but when shone through a filter we see so many "individual" colours (frequencies). Illusion? Are they not all parts of a larger whole? An organized intelligent whole? If there was no organized structure there would be chaos...even what chaos has been seen in the universe has stucture (found out by advancements in calucaltion methods using computers). So what do we call this intelligence? God? All that is? Uninverse? Nature? Or life? Doesn't matter. It is what it is and due to the fragmetned aspect of all the "viewers" each will experience it differently. Seems there is somthing about experiencing that may be important. Just maybe.
Source energy as it filters through "creation" creating may vatage points of consciousness can be related in a similar way to the sun filtering thru a prism. I relate it this way. Source energy (potentiality of all things, all possibilities, is being actualized or filtered through various vantage points manifesting as a collection of various individual cosnciousness (fragmented). These filters or interuption patterns of consciousness are similar, metaphorically, to mulitple video cameras taping the same sporting event but add all the parts, blades of grass, light variances, tastes, touches and smells, thoughts, molecules, electons, etc and all in one massive symphony of total integration mvoing and growing with individual and collective intent.