Hi carol...Sorry your post has gone so long without a response. But I just saw the
forum heading in the list and clicked because I have just started to experience
extreme problems with floaters also.
Now with this..."I" went right to an Opthamologist...I'm not messing around with
my vision and I wanted to know exactly what was going on. He said it is common
after about the age of 50 for people to start experiencing floaters, cob webs...
I have even had the 'lightning strikes' down the outer edge of my eye. He said
that as the tissue starts to pull away...as it will normally do in aging...that
sometimes these little particles come off and that's what we see as floaters...
the real danger comes if there is a 'tear'...as in 'break'...as it is pulling away...or a 'detachment'....
Even though it's common...this should really be checked out by a skilled eye doctor
if you have seen floaters, cob webs and especially lightning strikes...this means
you could be getting a tear...which would absolutely need to be repaired or it
could affect your vision. With a detachment that is not repaired...you would go
blind in that eye.
Do a search of torn retina...you'll find lots of info there. kathryn