n/t ©†ƒ……•™¼‡_Original_Message_¾€š½ž¢«»¬ï°©
"...Valerie Saxion's(she's a doctor) book 'Every Body Has Parasites,' if you eat, drink, walk barefoot outside, or have been in close contact with another(including pets) that has parasites, then your body has them also."
It's unfortunate to hear a scientifically-trained person make such a broad -- and exceptionally faulty -- assumption like this. Exposure to "another that has parasites" does not automatically translate into infection for the second party. Many children play alongside other children who have pinworms, lice, or other bugs, yet they don't contract same (while other children do become infected). Plenty of households will have a family member with the stomach flu, and yet others won't contract same (but some family members might). Doctors interact with patients who are infected with various critters all the time, yet for the most part, they only occasionally get sick. Saxion's comments also ignore the fact that a majority of infections (by whatever organism) are eventually overcome by the immune system or through use of drugs/
Antibiotics .
-Exposure to infected people does not automatically translate into infection for that person.
-Infection does not automatically translate into long-term or permanent infection, as the completely unproven theory of "Everybody's got 'em" would assume. The universal anecdotes above suggest JUST THE OPPOSITE.