A few questions and a bit of general purpose caution. Do you have a specific idea/purpose in mind with this design or is this more a matter of curious experimentation? What you've detailed seems like the latter is the case, in which case, good luck and have fun with it! Is the decision to have the N side of magnet pointing out the top by intention or a matter of random choice? While it is not easy to find universal consensus on such an alternative topic, many inventors in the orgonite movement indicate the S side of a rare earth magnet is the side that's most beneficial to humans, but again, without knowing what the general purpose of your design is, it's difficult to know if this is something you should be cautioned about. Even factoring out which side of this magnet is the beneficial side, there is general caution to be careful and limit exposure from strong earth magnets (neodymium) for stuff known to be sensitive to such strong magnetic fields; the human brain and various electronic devices (computer, camera, etc), for instance.
As to your question #3,the way I understand the basics, it's more a matter of what the crystal does to the moebius coil. Being a coil, it is capable of inductive pickup that in your application will be additionally stimulated by the output of your stereo/sound-card. Since the moebius/crystal is the heart of the Succor Punch design, a common application uses the output of a pulser (or zapper) circuit as additional "juice" to power a moebius. Either way, the output of the moebius is a chaotic signal, known by various other names including Scalar Wave Output. It's at this point my ability to understand the underlying principals sort of breaks down, but scalar technology seems to flirt with all kinds of other deep topics of physics, theory, meta-physics, free-energy, for which we only had a relative few genuine people in the past who did understand this kind of stuff (J. C. Maxwell, N. Tesla and perhaps W. Reich, for instance). Without the crystal the chaotic signal is said to be mostly useless and unwieldly. The crystal serves as focusing device to harness and refine the chaotic signal into something useful. In electronic terms, it's being used as a Load to absorb and fine tune the moebius output.