forum seems dead! well i can help a bit. i too am somewhat new to ac vinegar. i have recently added it to my healing arsenal along with ozonated water, juicing, sprouting etc.
1. bragg's is the best, though there are other good brands. the key is to get the kind with the mother in it. that means its still alive with enzymes etc. i swear by bragg's.
2. i drink one teaspoon in water or juice two or three times a day, usually on an empty stomach. i also add it to salad dressing.
3. straight acv is very intense! i kinda like it actually, though its not recommended. uae as much water as you need to make it palatable.
4. yes, i mix it with juice all the time and love it. also i do my mineral cocktail - one serving liquid minerals, one teaspoon black strap mollases, pinch
Sea Salt , juice from lemon wedge, one teaspoon or so of acv, add hot water, and drink up! i usually add some malic acid to this. this gives me a real kick! i love it.
hope the helps, rising sun is the real acv experet around here, he may have more to add.