I don't think anyone wanted to take on your initial concern re:low blood pressure.
If you follow the plan, you should have no worries what so ever. Deviate and you may experience some troublesome symptoms.
Fasting on it's own lowers the BP ,so yours may seem / get extremely low.
YOu have gone on shorter MCs so you know what to expect. Go for it and follow your heart and mind. You are a tough one...the first few days are usually the hardes and you have put yourself through that challenge for all 5. Time to enjoy an
Master-Cleanse and hit the wonderful zone...
The cleanse is a great relief for your tmj, and unless you have problems yawning ,etc. you will feel your jaw to be much more relaxed. Sleep better,too.
Please tell my that your
Sugar problem doesn't include gum!
The mc not only purges toxic chemicals and poisons from you body,it also purges toxic habits,memories and stress factors from the mind. Please learn to deal with the symtoms of your mind's releases just as you deal with the discipline and symptoms you must for the body's.
I've had many traumatic events in my life as well and wish you success in coming to terms with yours. My key is to embrace my fears and tribulations ,treating them like an entity(they sure feel alive to me) and facing and dealing with them. They are never as big as I have made them out to be and I can manage them once I realize that I have given them 'girth'.
I wouldn't worry a bit about the weight loss, that will happen naturally. Definitely do the two tblspoons of maple each time and shoot for at LEAST 8
Master-Cleanse cocktails per day,more is good I shoot for 12 yet I am 6'4" and 230
lbs. rule of thumb is 1/2 your weight in
ounces per day of lemonade on the mc or h2o post mc and for life.