Nope, you are thinking about Boobookitty who is now at day 48. I am on day 22 with a few of the other fasters. Smaile is also up there with Boobookitty.
I do not keep a scale and do not care about the weight loss so much. I prefer to watch my clothing and they are getting loose. The real prize at the end of a good cleanse is incredible digestion and elimination which also contributes to weight loss.
The most difficult part of the cleanse for me is the mental part. Keeping motivated and dealing with the emotions that come up for release can be difficult. Often we are more comfortable not thinking about unpleasant thoughts. The fast gives you lots of time to think about your life, your trimphs and trials. Optimally, the cleanse is a great platform for change on some or all levels, physical, emotional, and spiritual.
I can suggest digging around in the archives and reading the book of course and becoming familiar with what to expect and then try out a weekend cleanse. If you feel good with it, consider going for a 10 day one.
Hope this helps some...ask some of the others too, I am sure you will get lots of answers!
The Master Cleanse Express