Hey D I tried it a while back and it was delicious!! I woulda done all my MCs with it if it wasn't so hard to get and expensive.
The biggest problem was the availability and the cost and that it must be made fresh for the day as SCJ does not keep even when refrigerated.
I happen to find it at a local farmers market. Where I live there's a large Indian population and they had the juice at the market. The biggest obstacle was the the Farmers Market is about 10 mile drive each way for me and I would hafta make the drive every day since it doesn't keep. The other drawback was cost which I believe was $7.00+ per gallon.
If you live in a metro area with a large Cuban population like South Fla you can get it fresh squezzed at many of the Cuban coffee shops and restaurants. Ask for "guarapo"
I don't think a centrifugal juicer will do well. All the cane juicers I've ever seen squeeze the juice out of the cane by mashing it between 2 rollers. Centrifugal juicers are not the best kind of juicers to get the most from fruit and veggies and as I'm sure you know SC has some serious long and very tough fibers..
As far as a non dedicated juicer I think maybe the Greenstar might work if you peel and quarter the cane lengthwise. The Greenstar is a slow speed juicer that works by crushing veggies between 2 slow moving gears. I've been lusting after one for a while now. It's the only juicer I know that can do both veggies and wheat grass and as a bonus because it's a slow spinning juicer it doesn't heat up and introduce oxygen to the juice which starts the oxydating process. This allows you to make large batches that will keep for a coupla days in the fridge. It also has somekinda magnet voodoo that is also supposed to preserve the juice longer. Alas I still have my trusty Champion that I bought used in the mid 70s and it's still going strong like well............................ a Champion.................;+D
A Wheat Grass juicer might work cause it's made to squeeze the juice out of some fairly resilient fibers but the fibers in SC are much thicker and tougher that WG and it'll prooly plug it up mighty quick. I wouldn't even attempt it unless you had on o'dem commercial WG juicers with the big ole motor. Now on the other hand one of those hand cranked WG juicers might work. With those because of how tough the SC is you'll get a workout aaaaand some healthy juice at the same time. Hey we might be onto something here ;+D