well, traditional western medicine is generally against any alternative healing techniques... fasting being one of them. Berkley is a university training DRs in western medicine. WM {western medicine} does not promote health and healing but a lifetime of drugs that adress symptoms instead of creating health, which leads to a sicker state of being. And then they get to do surgery!!! That's not only my opinion but my experience. It's like some sick downward spiral. I love DRs when a bone breaks, or I need emergency care for something, but their instinct is NOT to promote a healthy life again, but alleviate syptoms by giving you a perscription. Basically: here's a pill, now pay your bill. ... and yet they would never give me the really *fun* pills. ;) lol.
do I sound bitter? lol. I'm really not. They kept me from dying a couple times, but then, they did kill me, then bring me back too.
dance puppet, dance! hahahahahha. muah.
drugs are good for some things though, but it isn't always the answer. ok, I'm done ranting. :))))) lol.