I do believe that what you say is correct... I have suffered for many years now, as a result of having my mouth filled with mercury fillings.
A trip to the dentist at age 15 (alone) with permission to do whatever necessary by my parents who had great dental coverage - well that
pretty much gave the man freedom to drill holes in teeth that had no cavities... needless to say, I am 38 now, and have had only 2 more
cavities since I switched to a different dentist, who believes we were swindled. I still have alot of mercury fillings in my teeth, since I really
only got informed about 11 years ago. I haven't the money & zero coverage to have them removed. I suffer terribly with a high pitched
screeching in my ears so bad at times, I've had thoughts of ending it all (I wouldn't, but it sure makes you feel crazy at times...) Some
nights are really bad, and the noise so loud I cannot sleep at all. I have alot of phantom burning pain in my body, and alot of fatigue.
I intend to have them out - hopefully soon... then on to chelation therapy!
I know there are many of us out there who suffer from these fillings, and I wish they would classify them to be the hazardous waste that
they are. What a pandoras box that would open. Billions of people rushing to persue the free removal of mercury fillings... I'm sure it won't
happen in my lifetime!