I spoke to the friend that was on this diet(for 13 days) and he is an 80 year old guy.
I wondered how he had the WILL and the means (JUICER or MAGIC BULLET) to do 6 or 7 lemons a day.
He said he gets his juice from a Health food store.
So I called my closest health food store - Taste Buds, and the juice $is 2.63 a Pint (16oz)(NOT BAD). However, they read the label & it says ...1 tsp = 1 lemon.
It is not a concentrate and does not come from concentrate... so can we use this?
Would I use 1 & 1/2 cups just like I get from jucing 7 lemons? (my lemons are pretty good size!)
1 tsp = 1 lemon, sure sounds like a concentrate to me but they say NO... it is pure lemon juice.
So... can we use this and do we use 1 & 1/2 cup? (I make 128 oz)
Thanks Sincerely alienlady