I agree,the break really is the ultimate test. All or nothing is definitely an easier choice during the cleanse than the smorgasbord at ready avail. Or is it?
It's funny how the brain and body can forget the discipline and control of saying no and sticking to a commitment.
All I can say is that during the cleanse, when I feel hungry or craving food,I savor a couple sips of the lemonade- I mean really SAVOR, thus satisfying my craving. At the same moment I etch in my thoughts how little I need to cure the craving. It really doesn't take more than 10 seconds and I'm fine. It's retraining your patterns and habits that has to change if we want to control our eating. It's realizing after the 1st or 2nd bite of our favorite foods, that we don't have to be satisfied after 50 bites. The fact is that most people don't even really taste their food while they are eating! It's only after the jaw has done a certain amount of chewing and the stomach is FULL. Think about it , how many bites do you really experience via savoring and really getting into the flavor? Not that many. We are eating A) to sustain life and / or B) to fill a void. There is nothing wrong with enjoying yourself while sustaining your life. If your life has a void though, maybe food isn't the answer. Look into yourself for the question and you will find the answer.
The Master Cleanse is a tool to aid in 'mastering' themselves,not just to rapidly lose weight or temporarily 'sweep' out the body. If we are not going to learn or benifit from the experience, then we are just sweeping everything under the rug, like most of us have been doing all our lives!!!!!!!
Stop the madness, stop being a slave to the whims which we know are not true to our true selves. The mind really is the most powerful thing we have . Give in to the power of the positive and strong aspect of yourself. When given the choice , choose life!
We are always on the right path. Avoiding social situations will never help you strengthen your mind and self control. That is what takes you off of your path! Face your demons and I promise you will realize they don't really exist. They are mearly what you make them.
There are organizations that drill into people that they are "powerless" against alcohol. That they will be slaves and alcoholics all of their lives. I strongly disagree with that. It is utter brainwashing and total grand theft. It works as far as helping people stop drinking, BUT at the same time it is ripping those people off and depriving them of the deserved credit realization that THEY are the ones who have controlled themselves and their abstainence from alcohol,BUT they never get the credit,the pride,the reward. The are destined to feel powerless.
Remember how much power it took to make the commitment to doing the MC. Remember how many told you "you are out of your mind". Remember gagging on the SWF. Remember the primal screams from too much cayenne. Remember downing your 100th lemonade. Remember what made you start
The Master Cleanser in the FIRST place. This short paragraph sums up all the strength and power YOU have inside. You tapped into it and held fast to the commitment and succeeded. Continue your quest for your true self. You are powerful and in control of everything you do.
Let's Stop being slaves to the whims of ourselves and the controlling whims of others. It's not really any more difficult after the cleanse than during...
Master yourself!