I thought i saw another post regarding this, but I couldn't find it. I am going to raise the subject again.
Today, I almost passed out. "Almost" because I NEVER pass out (except for one other occasion where I almost again). I didn't do the swf today, but I drank lax tea instead, as with yesterday. I started cramping around 4pm so I went to use the john to try to get rid of the cramping. All of a sudden, I was feeling a funny numbness run through my body. It first started out with my arms, then it moved down my torso to my legs. At this point, I was fighting to stay conscious (I was on the john for god sakes!) My whole body had gone cold, yet I was sweating. Eventually, I finished my business on the toilet and the numnbess/blacking out feeling ceased. However, I went to sleep for a good 5 or so hours without even realizing.
What could have happened? I get enough sleep, I'm not very active throughout the day. Also, I've been having BMs daily, 2-3 a day. Could it be my body telling me to stop being on the MC? At this point, I can't even think about drinking the lemonade because the mere thought is making me sick. Earlier today, I was deeply considering cheating because 1) I had trouble staving off food cravings 2) I was feeling so weak and I couldn't stay focus. Where is this clarity of mind that everyone is talking about?
What I was thinking about doing was eating food tomorrow and then start back up on Thursday. I am really concerned. What do you guys think?
Day 8. you are no good. Happy Mardi Gras everyone.