Well, I got to Day 7 and I feel great! Only problem is I have to stop today, I am a teacher, tomorrow is school and I can just see all my students edging away from me!!
I have really bad breath, although my tongue is not very white or coated! I just weighed myself and all I lost in 6 days was 3 kilos, which isn´t too much. I was expecting to lose a lot more because I am about 25
pounds overweight. I also think that the new Maple Syrup(grade C) I bought to try out and was told it was same as the Madal Bal, definitely tasted sweeter! Which could explain only a small weight loss! Anyway, I will have another try again later. It definitely gets easier the more tmes you do it. I also found that while on the MC, some of my old injuries stopped hurting after the initial aches and pains!
Thanks everybody for your help and advice, and all those still on the MC, hang on in there and good luck!