Hi Pixiepie
Sorry to hear you've been uncomfortable, with pain in the kidney pain. I could be part of the detoxing, or it could be part of healing if you ever had injury to that area of the kidneys or back in the pass. This cleansing helps the old injuries heal, from the newest to the oldest, so it can take awhile. As your body gets the toxins out, you will feel other benefits, which you will enjoy alot.
The energy level is insurmountable (if that is a word lol) Keep up the fast, if you can go for 30 days it would benefit you more, especially with toxins starting to leave the body now, you think. Longer is better. Remember to break when your feeling great! and Remember to take half the number of the days of the fast to break it. You can do it, Your doing great. Remember rest when you need to. You are important. Best to You