Hello Mai
Thank you for asking. I was doing real good until I started eating wrong, over Christmas Holiday. I made dried fruit and nut balls dipped in chocolate.
I even had a hives reaction to them and yet, kept eating them a little at a time until I wasn't allergic to them any more. But my
Sugar went up to 200 and even after giving in to taking insulin didn't bring it down much. I kept eating like I
was starving, it was terrible, I totally lost my will power. Now I have got to begin over again. I was going to start on
Master-Cleanse tomorrow but decided after I read post tonight. I should do a precleanse diet with fresh fruits salads vegetables olive oil and nuts, for a week. I will start the
Master-Cleanse Sunday following the 1st.
I will decide next Saturday night which fast it will be the molasses or the maple syrup depending on my glucose readings this week and if I'm still on insulin or not.
I was doing fine just on my amaryl, until I goofed everything up. Wish me luck, give me encouragement, I need it all and any ideas on what to eat after the break later on when I get there. Have a Happy New Year. Linda.