MC will not cause low potassium levels unless you drink excessive amounts of water and flush it all away. Also the
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) tends to flush out both electrolytes and normal intestinal flora, so you might not want to do that everyday. People have water only fasted for 21 or more days under close supervision and most have not suffered a dangerous loss of potassium.
On the other hand I nearly died from hypokalemia (low potassium) about ten years ago. Watch out for these symptoms: dizziness, weakness, joint pains and muscle spasms, black out spells and fainting. I went to my doctor many times with the first symptoms and he just said I had a touch of virus and had me keep taking my meds. When I fainted at work I was already in the early stages of heart failure and was rushed to the hospital and had IVs of potassium and saline solution pumped in to me.
My episode was caused by taking the wrong medicine, not fasting. But is does give you an idea of what to lok out for. Drink plenty of lemonade, made full strength, do not overload on water, be very careful about constantly flushing your bowels, and avoid supplements. Know what signs to look for and be prepared to stop early if you exhibit any symptoms. If symptoms do arise, increase your lemonade; if symptoms persist more than 12-24 hours then consider stopping and eat some vegatable broth made by boiling unpeeled potatoes (a great source of quick potassium) and other veggies then straining.