Water Distiller Tank
Pure white "LIME" from the USA last Ocean Floor below my yard!
The same white LIME that the toxic blood stream will expel out "CUTS" and people call A SCAR!
You can also blame this stuff for your stroke, your heart attack, your skin when it appears OLD, because OLD is just dirty skin (we all fail thanks to how horrible diets).Yes as your bones shrink, curl up, crumble--yup, blame our last ocean...
(WHY do schools lie about our earth cycles? Simple, the same ones that printed the first book, created the first school books, printed the same faked history books and the "organized" all must lie every day of their life to obey their master)
That same white ocean lime (sea shells) YES< HUMANS DRINK SEA SHELLS!
Where is is up out of the water and "dries", it turns very hard---exactly the way it builds up inside the circulation, heart, bones, etc. etc. in the body..
THE CRAZY THING IS THIS---this well was dug 15 years ago, it was in gravel and water 10 feet under the soil and stopped drilling at 100 feet and proved out to produce 100+ gallons of water per minute. The well was not dug at that time for human use, if it was for human use, it would have been drilled around 200+ feet until it hit and drilled through the last ocean floor. UNDER the last ocean, there are no man made chemicals / pollution...aka CLEAN WATER---just LIME WATER due to the sea shell layer...
THE BIG MYSTERY to me is this-----no matter where you drill down to the ocean floor (my last house the ground was the ocean floor, the Lime was at the surface and a layer for each year and each layer full of sea shells) and ALL WATER is FRESH WATER---n SALT!!!!!! Does anyone understand how that could happen? YES, low spots in the oceans the salt dried up and we have large areas of deep earth salt---BUT HOW can all that water under the ocean floor, be FRESH WATER?? That seems "strange" to me.....
Back to this shallow 100 foot well, that well was a RUSTY WELL, when the water dries, it left a rust appearance, many USA wells are like this---WHY? Simple, the water is clear in the earth thanks to NO OXYGEN and once pumped up and your house faucet opens and oxygen enters the water-----the water BLOOMS, like a "flower" bloom, only the bloom is a BACTERIA living in all ground water---so YES, people in the country with private water wells, do drink LIVE WATER---creatures that will stain the body and accumulates just as bad as lime will....
IN FACT, when you die in the USA, they can sample your bones are arteries and identify where you grew up, based on your MINERAL CONTENT- proof your water aged and killed you------
STEAM DISTILLED WATER is simple, makes sense and if a person can not understand that, they surely will never understand what is below that last ocean floor---they will become zombies when the layers of ASTEROIDS, VOLCANIC CLAY layers, etc., etc. BECAUSE this earth is VERY OLD and all the organized teachers/churches--all lie. They all lie, to make the first printed book--believable.
The LAST OCEAN over the top of the USA left a lime floor made out of sea shells----and before that OCEAN LAYER AFTER LAYER OF HISTORY exist---------and after that last ocean? Dinosaurs, the USA was covered in people that used ROCKS for their only tools----you can walk mist anywhere in the USA and find rock tools used by millions of humans and kool enough, when you pick them up, there are left hand and right hand rocks-----
How many times have all people died? Count your CLAY LAYERS---grey clay, red clay, blue clay, thin clay, thick clay, you name, when mega volcanoes blasted and filled the skies and laid down clay---surely all died each time---same as when asteroid made different layers far below your feet---every well / oil driller knows.....when they hit the asteroid layers their drill bits can slide to 1 side or the other if the drill does not drill through---and stop them from drilling and have to restart---
This 15 year old well should not have this white LIME, this is the very first time in 15 years that it has been white lime------being a shallow 100 feet 100% gravel well, the water distiller should show rusty minerals---not snow white lime-------so something very STRANGE happened below------
Allot happens below your feet-----if DOGE really was "REAL" and not for show---the first thing they would have announced was that more $$ is spent below the surface than on top of the ground and the chem trail program controlling weather / health would have been their first 2 educations --and wake up the slaves, so they understand what it means when they say: our pastured humans on top...
If your not drinking lime, eating lime---then odds are you will not form white scars.