Those in Essex, England, may have recently seen facial recognition trucks driving through the streets discreetly compiling data. England has long employed CCT cameras to capture criminal activity, but police in Essex are now using advanced biometric data to track each and every citizen.
Essex is using Corsight AI biometric software for its civilian monitoring program. The company has expanded its services across the world. “Our mission is to radically enhance the world of facial recognition technologies while holding ourselves to the highest ethical standards in personal privacy protection,” the Israel-based company states on its website. They can embed their software within existing cameras and track down individuals based on their biometric data.
The ethics behind such measures present a challenge. Who has access to this wealth of data? Individual organizations in the UK must obtain permission and be transparent about their policies, but no such restrictions exist for the government. We have seen countless data breaches in recent years, with independent hacker groups infiltrating every supposedly secure data center. Civil liberties groups believe the government is infringing upon human rights by spying on their every move, but governments no longer permit individual freedoms.
The last significant law that was passed surrounding these measures was in 2018 when the UK put forth the Data Protection Act that details how personal data may be collected, processed, and protected by law. Naturally, the government claims that they are only collecting data for public safety and will not misuse the technology. The law remains vague and technology has certainly advanced since 2018.
Yet, the UK is calling Corsight AI a victory and citing clean-cut arrests made using the technology. “In Southend, there were also five positive alerts, which resulted in two arrests—one for harassment and one for sexual assault,” police stated. Police claim that Corsight AI is primarily monitoring known offenders, people on watchlists, and “protected vulnerable individuals at risk of harm.” The program claims it “almost instantly” deletes user data if they do not meet the aforementioned criteria.
“Our live facial recognition technology is used to locate people we want to speak to in connection with ongoing investigations and to manage people with court orders or conditions. Criminals cannot think they can walk around our communities without being caught,” claimed Assistant Chief Constable Andy Pritchard calls Essex Police.
UK Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner Fraser Sampson admits that private companies will have access to user data. “We, the people, are now using sophisticated surveillance tools once the preserve of state intelligence agencies, routinely and at minimal financial cost,” he writes. “We freely share personal datasets – including our facial images – with private companies and government on our smart devices for access control, identity verification and threat mitigation. From this societal vantage point it seems reasonable for the police to infer that many citizens not only support them using new remote biometric technology but also expect them to do so, to protect communities, prevent serious harm and detect dangerous offenders.”
All of this is based on the premise that the government is there to protect citizens rather than treating everyone like a potential criminal.
Other nations will soon adopt this technology that was once reserved for warzones. Israel is using the program in its hospitals to identify deceased victims from the war with Hamas. The Mall of America has employed the service to deter shoplifting but public surveillance measures in the US have been met with a pushback. Paris used the AI service to monitor the crowds at the Olympic games.
The government must tighten its grip on the public as we move into 2032. We have seen the government take tyrannical measures to restrict freedom of speech both in person and online. Now, governments want to track their citizens’ movements, and the public has no say in the matter.
QUESTION: You have said that this border crisis has been brought on to rig the 2024 election. How will this play out for the election?
ANSWER: I do not see this ending well at all. It is one more ploy that will have society pleading for digital ID as the solution to this crisis. They will pitch the idea that had we had digital ID, this crisis would never have taken place. Europe is already planning this same biometric-digital ID. You have hospitals wanting to scan your palm and Amazon saying you can buy with just your palm being scanned.
This immigration crisis is clearly twofold. The Democrats instigated it, just as I have said that I encountered when trying to negotiate with Australia on behalf of Hong Kong. They are in a declining bear market, making lower highs and lower lows. They will collapse just as the Federalists did because they preach a big centralized government that always fails.
That is what instigated the border crisis. Then you have the Deep State, which is paranoid like Joseph Stalin, and they want to track absolutely everyone, and that extends to the political beliefs and economic condition. Just as in 9/11, they love crises because they always use them to expand their power. As I have said, I know that the first World Trade Center terrorists drew the Twin Towers on the wall of their cell with planes going into them. They knew the plot and let it happen if they had not helped it along.
The very day before Russia crossed the border, they had Zelensky stand up and publicly state that Ukraine was going to rearm itself with nuclear weapons. He knew Russia was on the border and wanted to make sure they invaded.
Zelensky admitted to the Washington Post that he knew when Russia would invade. He had that intelligence from the USA. His comment about seeking nuclear weapons the day before was to make sure Putin took the bait to start this entire war. He knew and was told to make sure Putin crossed the border. He told the Washington Post he did not warn his people because it would have cost him $7 billion in capital flight. Zelensky ensured Putin would cross the border and then claim this was unprovoked. They always create a crisis and take advantage of it. It has made Zelensky a multi-billionaire.
Our Border Crisis was instigated on the very first day Biden took office. This was to flood the country to influence the 2024 election. The Deep State did not organize this. However, they have seen the opportunity as they did with 9/11. The solution to the election crisis and the illegal aliens will be accelerated when we have domestic terrorism that they will blame on Chinese illegals, some 40,000 so far, who are here to destroy the USA from within – like the Goths and Rome. They have deliberately allowed terrorists into the country, and they will use this for war against China, Russia, and the Middle East and throw in North Korea just for fun. This will be the excuse to lock us down, as COVID was the dress rehearsal.
To be patriotic, you will surrender and agree to a Biometric Digital ID so they can filter out the terrorists. You will beg for the Biometric Digital ID; they always benefit from a good crisis. Those in the bowels of DC are paranoid like Stalin. They fear losing power, and everyone is a potential threat – We the People.
The media does not wish to reveal why Pelosi delayed the National Guard on January 6th. They were concerned that most people in the National Guard were Trump supporters and feared they might be allowing a Trump army to take Washington, DC. Some Guardsmen were asked who they voted for. Simply put, the National Guard only shows up to D.C. when they’ve been invited, and the Capitol Police did not extend that invitation until after the breach, according to a source with knowledge of the process, who was not authorized to speak about it on the record according to the Military News.
Pelosi ordered the fence to be put up again in 2021 because there was a protest in support of the January 6th protesters. The government is terrified of the people, and they know that their policies are creating tremendous discord that will unfold in the form of more civil unrest. This will most likely reach a boiling point regardless of who wins the election. There was a Biometric Digital ID that will be tied to everything, including your voting record.
The damage that took place by the LEFT when Trump was inaugurated is an example of what we should expect. In fact, the City of Washington, DC was sued by business owners because the police just let them do as they liked. The City had to pay $1.6 million in damages.
They intend to restrict traveling inside Europe, and Americans will need a Visa as of January 1st, 2025, to even visit, killing their tourist trade. The EU is frightened about revolution. They are well aware of the 1848 Revolution that swept Europe. It began in Sicily and engulfed all the countries, even overthrowing the French government. Their solution is to prevent people from traveling to cut off any possible widespread revolution. We are always the problem – never their policies. They will use climate change, and you will have a “carbon footprint,” they will determine if you have traveled too much for the year.
Add to this their drive to shut down free speech everywhere. Australia is passing the same strict laws. They want to shut down free speech in hopes of retaining dictatorial power. Democracy, or our right to vote on anything, is also on the list of evils that must be eliminated at all costs.
This is becoming a worldwide directive for all to retain power because they are scared to death of We the People. Most airline stocks peaked in 2020. Why? Most are showing high volatility by 2026. The markets are picking up this trend in airlines of many countries.
I have been warned that history shows us that the world governments will become more authoritarian as we head toward 2032 for they are losing power and know that. This will not end as they prefer.
This is all aided by some very sick people at the World Economic Forum who have never learned anything from history and discount human nature just as Joseph Stalin and others throughout the centuries. They do not trust We the People – we are all guilty and evil. Only they can see the light on how to run the world. It is not just you will own nothing and be happy. it is:
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