Eric B
These messages were posted into the "
Gallstones & Gallbladder Attack Cures and Natural Remedies Research Group" on facebook.
Jun 12 2022
· ·
I have done my 7th flush tonight (
Hulda Clark e protocol)
Had a couple of mild attacks after a 2 months pause and decided to do it.
I have adjusted the protocol and find it way more friendly to carry out. I mix epsoms with 70% apple juice 30% water, and mix oil and grapefruit juice really well in a glass jar with lid and drink it with closed nose fast.
Picture in comments
Sept 15 2022
I promised to you guys to post my new scan results.
Today 15 Sept 2022 I had my new scan after 9 flushes.
The doctor confirmed that one of my 2x2
cm stones is GONE! The other one if the same size is still there.
She was very surprised, she saw the previous scan she took 2 years ago.
So, YES, it is possible to pass stones about 2
cm big when flushing using
Hulda Clark protocol.
I will continue flushing til this one comes out and I will after that continue flushing for maintenance few times a year. 🎉🎉🎉