Salts are essential to life
The earth is covered, literally "showered" with the sun's minerals 24/7 and in theory--the perfect food, proper ratio of each mineral.
If the sun sent anything "toxic' through space to the earth that the atmospheric bacteria could not eat and turn into organic food---then the life on earth would be doomed. It is amazing how everything is Godly designed to enable all life to exist.
Ancient deep earth salts would be pollutant free and the result of dried up oceans ---as far as human can know. The USA was once 100% covered by an ocean----the last ocean left a lime layer that is filled with sea shells----thanks to glacier movement that lime layer may be at the surface, or very deep beneath current location the lime is 200+ feet below the surface.
Between the surface and the lime table are "layers" of asteroids. Those asteroids in theory kill all human on earth.
The WEIRD THING is that there is no salt in drinking water------between the lime and the surface the USA has plentiful water--if not, then people avoid living in those areas.
BELOW that lime table is the best water---100% free of pollutants. and still SALT FREE drinking water and below that, are more layers of asteroids---what the pope's new testament last chapter describes as looking to the skies for the return of Jesus.....the roman empire hated(s) Jesus and mocked his history in all their fabrications on their printing presses.
Ask anyone that ever worked at nasa and they should tell you that the only 1 reason nasa was created was to discover ways to avoid the return of Jesus and they all believe the rocks are coming---they return to earth like clock work.
OCEANS SALTS in theory is the result of "all' that has died in the ocean or came from the sun---------
TREES and all life account for the earth being covered in dirt.
TREES (like humans) grow from air and sun's minerals------IF a tree ate dirt, the tree would eat a hole beneath it and it would fall over.
We are what we breathe---air is full of water and minerals--until people created solution.
REAL SALT is dark, full of all minerals in a unique percentage.........darker rock salt often fed to cows and lighter salts fed to humans.
In the human body------all salt causes WATER to be sent and surround the salts------otherwise salts were be very harmful to the flesh.
The reason epsom magnesium salts causes diarrhea due to large amount of water sent to the intestines to surround that salts.
Salts become a problem with DEHYDRATION---if a person is drinking, no problem. IF A PERSON is not drinking enough or "fasting" or dry fasting, then salts are a HUGE NO NO.
"IF" your dehydrated and do consume salts, even the best earth salts, as little as an 1/8th of a teaspoon could be devastating.
That salt still requires water and your cells will send more water too the intestines and once your cells reach that dehydration state------you will get DIZZY or even fall.
FAST WAY to absorb allot of water is to take a BATH......
you will absorb 3-4 pounds of water with each shower / bath and once out of the bath, quickly expel the water---your skin is like a SPONGE.
THIS FACT IS WHY WATER QUALITY is the most important education.........and why all deaths are related to your water quality or lack of.
SADLY---every human in/near towns and cities that were forced to destroy their own water wells and forced to pay every month for life for city / gov water----their water is chemical water or even recycled water chemicals.
Even toilet city water disperses through the entire home---------same as every breath of air from jets/planes/cars and those never ending chem trail military jets---are inhaled the entire lifetime.
YES---the blood desires to dissolve and expel all such poisons.
different foods aid in the elimination of various chemicals as long as kidneys are healthy.
The "green" leaf foods and spices are best---but when a person is living in a chemical air environment and drinking chemicals----the entire body will suffer equally with al the neighbors.
ORGANIC MINERALS / SALTS that keep the body nourished ---enables the body to not want to collect and try to use the bad inorganic toxic metals....; that is the first step=---never be deficient of natural minerals.............never.
LEAD and MERCURY and all the bad metals will enter into the bones and flesh of those that are lacking organic size mineral/salts.
varios herbs aid the kidneys in eliminating heavy metals------but "dissolving" those metals/poisons are what the good wants to do.......
A group of people that have been studied a full 100 years because the males NEVER DIE a natural death and kill them selves at age 250, even though they look age 22--------was discovered to be METAL FREE their lead levels are 0. My last lead test 25 years ago said I had a level of 112 more lead than normal. 0 verses 112 more than normal is a huge difference.Especially since I do not drink city water and have steam distilled water for 30 years.
City water pipes started as lead pipes---same with country well casing started as metal pipe--people literally drinking the metal pipes.
Leaded gas, leaded paint, lead pipes---humans loved lead.
once war was declared against all humans by 1915----endless chemical combinations added to water/food/air to the point they have harmed the entire earth's oceans.
Attempting to clean up one's water source is their first step if they like living and that is the other huge situation---after 100 years of poisons/wrong education and dope/booze for all----many people want to die--millions prefer to just die. Nature controls all---too toxic leads to depression and death.
CLEAN WATER eliminates a large portion that is in your control---your air is another matter, your air has not been clean in your lifetime and since 1949, it is a battleground of metals.
CLEAN HEALTHY KIDNEYS, better food choices, clean water and herbs that "DISSOLVE METALS", even asbestos....some doctors say such herbs exist..........not only dissolves heavy metals but assists in expelling such waste.
That sounds impossible, but for 100 full years some say it does exist---metal levels drop, even asbestos levels drop.lead and aluminum drop.
I swept up asbestos each day for 30 years in a factory. There was 2 feet of it in the ceiling that literally "rained" down 24/7---the white color were scared of it, they built a wall between them and the factory---even more scared them---Florissant lights; those long lights over their desk killed them from skin cancers that covered their entire body----they could care less about the factory workers and left them work under such lights and breath the asbestos---they needed to be dead by age 65 for best profits. BUT foreign companies entered purchased the company and stole all the retirement $$$ and fired all thew white color workers--because gov never protects those types, unless they work their entire life for gov.
1 dr and many colleges believed long ago that the biblical burning bush dissolves heavy metals, even asbestos. A RARE MOUNTAIN HERB that by 1922 the colleges made synthetic and they say if you buy such a product --it is likely to be SYNTHETIC and no herb at all in the product.
It takes 60+ pounds of the herb to make 1 ounce of oil.
The herb grows high on tops of mountains above the tree level, where oxygen is thin. It grows basically on ROCK or rocky soil----EXTREME COLD CLIMATE.
Naturally finding such herbs and paying people to climb up and collect such a thing would be expensive---so by 1920's they made SYNTHETIC.
Most oils were always STEAM DISTILLED, very easy to do....
TODAY, the best is COLD PROCESSED. They use circular stainless still chambers and put the herbs under HUGE PRESSURE and that air PRESSES the oil out of the plants and the final product had no heat applied and makes the essential oils of pants better than all the old books ever knew possible.
SOME herbs like hard herbs such as CLOVES, still must be steam distilled.
The BURNING BUSH of biblical times was used by MOSES as a heavy metal chelator--specifically aluminum--that stuff they spray the planet with every day.
MOSES and his brother were HEAVY METAL EXPERTS, they collected aluminum from the volcano top and put it in city water---then returned in 2 years and killed all the poisoned people----------------they used gold and the burning bush as their aluminum antidote.
those that spray every day since 1949 and fill the city water with aluminum ---they surely take antidotes--but their medical antidotes made them mad hatters....
WEALTHY PEOPLE in the business, those high up college professors are so paranoid of breathing air------they instal air purification systems in their mansions. In their old age they fear walking outsider their homes--they are scared to breath the air....literally, because they know what they put in it.
The first step to survival anywhere on earth is metal free water