people have vivid today, they had it last year and saying it is far worse this time-----------
they trust their white coats, their health insurance, their college degrees and their yearly physicals and "TRUST" in evil
Otherwise-----kids that never ever seen a M.D. since the day they were born---or never ever were touched by a M.D. and raised DRUG / CHEMICAL FREE as possible----no dirty water, no commercial garbage drinks, never ever city water, no commercial pills ever and just natural foods and clean water-------often never ever have had anything worse than a common cold for 1 day-----because they understand why they have cold symptoms (constipation) and they correct it---because their mother trained them correctly..........and they are disease free.....they walk among the valley of death full of zombies on prescription poisons and endless diseases.....
STRANGER DANGER is the first, most simple rule ever child should naturally understand---strangers can be danger, deadly danger...
First Rule of all Species----Protect Yourself at all times.