Studies of the bones of dead mammals suggested that the lymes worm was world wide starting approx. 300+ years ago----basically every mammal, especially humans that consumed none natural foods that promotes parasites.
Extreme MS and all the devastating diseases all have 1 thing in common---overwhelming infestations of lymes worms ....worms by the thousands, even millions inside the nerves, the bones, the organs, the tissues----mammals born with endless worms too small to be seen.
Pick a mammal, any mammal and lymes is given many different names...that is what the organized do---to product their good ole boy empires, they keep the mammals sickly.
100% of all foods that feed the human body; increases red blood cells and healthier stem cells---while ever poison/drug has the opposite can not "poison" the diseased as a cure--poisons create future diseases and future degenerated generations.
Extreme MS is a great example---a devastating disease that some can live many years in a wasted state--their nerves and organs wasted away...wheel chair bound..their muscles literally just waste away...
With better testing and the extermination of millions of people and take over that is changing the world---today they say the Extreme MS victims has a brain stem maxed out with millions of lymes worms.....nerves crawling with worms, the brain infested and the muscles consumed as the bones are hollowed out.
Are there hundreds of different diseases, or are they all the same thing at varying Parkisons any different than MS or is it just a determination of how many lymes worms in what location.
There are endless thousands of other parasites / bacteria / viruses.........but the one they call lymes has been a plague for all mammals for 300 years--so much so it is suggested as the last great plague.
Drugs/Poisons only make such parasites worse......Drugs/Poisons always the "opposite" affect and those using poisons have never ever been "good" for humans. Population "control" is their true definition--billions do not exist because of poisons developed by the organized.
Poisoned mammals develop more parasites---parasites have the job of consuming the defective.....take any defective mammal of any specie and the more deformed/diseased they are, the more parasites they have...some may say over a trillion+ parasites------creatures that do not belong inside the mammal.
The most recognized flat worm is the common liver fluke---a worm that clogs the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, lungs, etc. and the immature worms swim through the entire body--as does endless other worms, small and large.......making the brain their home and literally the entire body their home of every mammal. Fish suffer the same story, as do all species.
Generally foods feed the blood, the blood/stem cells do all the work-----the more "correct" the diet, the longer the lifespan. EACH species on the entire planet must obey GOD'S predestined diet------------a FREE DIET that keeps each specie in the correct place on earth. Every living creature, plant, tree all must obey or suffer the wrath of Nature.
Only the people have choice to choose to live in the wrong places and consume the wrong substances, so they naturally have more self-created diseases than all species--so much so that make humans believe people are an invading species to earth.
Those that travel the galaxies surely bring species from their homes to earth--literally many millions of species, most of which humans have no idea that exist.
WILD and FREE insures "Balance" in Nature and people have the ability to corrupt the laws of Nature, but they will always succumb to the Laws. Nothing can defy Nature and expect to live a longer life.
Human history suggest that humans have the ability to live 1,000+ years, thanks to God Design.........history exist that all life on earth lives on air and sun---pure energy and microscopic sun minerals in organic form----commonly known as "manna".
Humans will forever live on MANNA / ENERGY, but the habits of eating / drinking and military poisoning world wide------people are POISONED and over whelmed with worms----and when it comes to worm----"IF" you kill lyme's worms, your killing all the rest in that process...making lymes the only subject when it comes to parasites.
The act of eating and drinking puts every person "OUT of BALANCE" and providing feed to the parasites.
The act of eating sucks 60-80% of all energy from the body as red blood cells die by the millions daily.
People are so "toxic" that obtaining balance is impossible........
Just the killing of worms---makes people more toxic with rotting dead worms...
JUST expelling poisons causes the blood stream to become over whelmed with flowing poisons.
Most all people get sick just by attempting to expel their own poisons.'
Then you have millions, billions born sickly and have never experienced 1 day of perfect health ever and they never ever well............the majority have zero clue what true health is, for the fact they have no example, no experience.........
1 cure, does cure all, because if 1 method cured, it would cure all would detox the human body.
Yet, no human will ever be cured, they will forever feed their parasites -----often thanks to a lifetime of consuming commercial toxic foods that are not foods for their specie--actually those fake foods are not true foods for any specie--they are lab created poisons. "IF" you want FOOD, it will be alive and free by HE who created all...........and that type of foods are often never ever tasted by the majority of all people........
CLEANSING makes most people ill--so they stuff them selves to STOP the cleansing act........
What the slaves know as sickness, often is nothing more than their blood expelling the diseases/waste and when they feel bad, they take drugs to harm and shut down that process or stuff their belly so the cleansing stops.
90+ years ago a M.D. / Surgeon had a method to quickly expel the stomach down and out the toilet ---because as long as food is in the stomach---the cleansing will not start---WHY? Because the true design of humans; the stomach is a blood cleansing organ---not a pot to stuff with foods.
WASHING out the stomach by flushing it quickly ---enables the cleansing to start--the blood will start sending all the trash to the stomach to be gotten rid of---primarily heavy metals--aluminum and titanium dioxide--the top 2 military de-population control poisons. This aluminum/titanium will start exiting your tongue--another blood cleansing organ and your liver will also turn white as it is flooded with aluminum and titanium dioxide as your blood collects it and expels it.
When Dr. Hay, M.D. no humans on earth were being fed and sprayed with aluminum and titanium dioxide---so back 90 years ago the cure was even faster---because there was less to expel.
EACH YEAR since 1915 all living creatures on earth--has moire poisons to expel.
This simple means that each human has to do more---each and every year and those that are too toxic--they are just suicidal, but by Nature, but by delibert design by those that poison the planet. The ill / suicidal are not natural, they are victims of wars.
Ill is a word to describe 100% of all species that are not born perfectly and living perfectly....and that is why medical believed there was no healthy human alive by 1900.
Truly Healthy Humans that never eat, never drink--because the air has all the food and water required----those people were captured, cut up and 80+ years ago proven to have 100+ more functional hormone producing glands than average sickly people who must eat and drink all day long....
Hormones / Stem Cells and the intelligence of the blood/brain make or break the human body...the body is an ELECTRICAL / MAGNETIC creation and all foods/drinks just messes it up.'
People eat and drink---because they are sick. Medically calls it the death ride---a roller coaster than never ends.
Drs have searched the world for supplements to the defective diet for hundreds of years...........the ancient SPICE TRADE was the first active "stores"....the act of selling and buying "stuff"---stuff that aided better health.
Dr. Howard Hay, M.D. used only 1 herb--orange juice..............."IF" he had used herbs with orange juice--------what a difference that would have made---but being a M.D. he understood if he had used herbs his buddies would have discredited him---but instead, by 1950 they all agreed it was the cure. With herbs, it could have been 100x the cure.
Some parasites die fast and easy---others will not die---some are not going to hatch until after you die....
The ancient spice trade offers many of the answers for humanity.........what worked then, will ways work.
Once the air was weaponized by world war 1-----minerals from the sun, became corrupted. Living on the sun today is near impossible thanks to the earth's air filled daily with aluminum and titanium dioxide, +.
Today, for 100+ years, aid from ancient spices is required more than ever to dissolve and expel heavy metals and kill an expel parasites. Foods so dense that very little is required to thrive on are a must to reduce food consumption--empty foods require all day eating.
Survival of the Fittest always applies. USE IT or LOOSE IT, always applies....
pansies, sissies and degenerates are military victims--they are doomed, unless they wise up, muscle up and protect them selves at all times---
the helpless are already exterminated, they don't realize it............
no human alive today was not born on an active battlefield. those that want to be "kept"-----they haven no life..they are no different than sheep.
The LIVING live every day, they work every day to have a life......they will always LOVE GOD, because they were raised to know GOD....the Godless failed....theirm parts failed them, their grandparents failed them.....they raised their children to near others....they became victims of the worldly.
Humans do not live on earth---they are doing time on earth---earth was never their home. Those that do not work, they already lost.......they are examples of what not to do.....never follow people, just LOVE GOD.
God has all the galaxies 100% in control---nothing is out of control. "All" is your education while on earth..
TRUST GOD and have no worries----what ever you experience --it was your destiny.