This is a great, educational video....but just like the drs/hospitals, those that watch it would never understand this man.
The man's very little sleep is not only 100% explainable, it could also be cured within 30 seconds by a quality chiropractor. The subject was well explaineded on this forum long ago as was endless other health subjects.
Often people have simple issues that torments their life for 30+ YEARS and never know their problem can be corrected so easily...
This man has multiple educations, his age, his smoking, his alcohol, his lack of interest in foods and naturally, why his own hormones will not permit him to sleep for more than a few minutes at a time....
His lifestyle blows away all carnivores, all vegetarians and fruitarians....and he has out lived and out worked most men his age.
all---100% easily explained--but the college brain washed white coats that only understand vaccines/drugs/poisons are clueless about the functions of the human body...
"IF" a quality chiropractor had this man for a minute---he would fall a sleep almost instantly and sleep for a week.....and wake up "normal".....