want to loose your kidneys----drink water contaminated with rock and 60,000 chemicals
as A general rule the internet is flooded with liars, especially when it comes to human health---
"Oxalates are ruining your health"
YES, such things can, but water should be first on their LIST prior to condemning vegetables and fruits and pushing flesh diet that the animals ate bad foods....and all are maxed out with titanium dioxide/aluminum and eating animals just increases the accumulation of many heavy metals as does vegetables.
Natural oxalates?????????
A FACT----the highest OXALATE food on planet earth has been consumed for 5,000+ years and the only food found on the oldest frozen solid human specimen in history---
The most DENSE food on earth and it has the highest OXALATE content...and Russians are known to be POWERFUL because they have consumed the food the longest and authors say you should become 20% stronger.
The greatest health author wrote 30+ books and his best was on this OXALATE dense food and he does mention that oxalates can harm the kidneys-----but he never knew of a case where the food caused the kidneys to go bad.
I KNOW what does cause the kidneys to go bad----DIRTY ROCK FILLED WATER---kills more humans than any other substance.
PLANTS and TREES do fight for survival as does all animals---but since humans can shoot the animal---they won that battle---same as people harvest plants.
The highest oxalate food has multiple side affects----known as a cure for all known cancers, 20% strength increase, cures heart pressure issues and then it is the only food with a UNIQUE suggested ability------to shut down the death process in humans and then restart the immunity and reverse aging..................
when these internet freaks condemn foods and avoid explains STEAM DISTILLED WATER-----FIRST, then I see therm as FLAKES---aka idiots.
Humans that do not make their own steam distilled water -----have no chance of survival of their organs., starting with their KIDNEYS, HEART and all their tissues...YOU EVER FEEL PAINS---look at your kidney health first.
VEGETABLES are not human foods--fresh they are better than packaged / canned....
TREE, VINE and BUSH supply our best foods/medcines
The best medical author believed in a meat diet with ample fruits/herbs. ONLY wild or home grown animals---never a commercial animal/chicken.
Can the highest Oxalate food cure all cancers? Cancer hospitals today are saying so......
Sadly japan labs learned how to lab grow the highest dense food, highest oxalate food on earth that in the wild takes 25 years to mature-----the lab grown food has very little value...same as lab grown meats.
BEWARE the internet-----the majority is false news and the majority of books after 1950 the same.
I persoanlly have never taken Kidney Herbs, they are suppose to be the greatest of all herbs----why do I not take them? BECAUSE I have steam distilled my water supply for over 1/2 my life----I have never had a kidney or prostrate issue or any sign of.......thanks to a rockless diet----other than occasional vegetables.
I am on the highest OXALATE diet known to mankind and so far? Well, lets take yesterday for an example: I used a large backhoe and dug up 2 dozen fir size to large trees and removed all the roots and moved the trees into a very large pile-----then using a 5 ton loader I filled in all the large holes, some of which you could have put a car in------, then I land scraped the 1/2 acre yard to be and I left 1 huge tree in the middle---an 80 foot tall black walnut tree---all the other trees will be firewood... I formed the yard so it would
properly drain rain water----then I used a John Deer tractor with a large box scraper and made the yard ready to plant grass and was finished by 4 pm.
PRE mega dose OXALATE diet, I probably would have told the kids to do it----but thanks to high OXALATE diet, I felt like doing it and had fun all day doing it....
Dr. John R. Christopher said there are 1,000+ unknown qualities in every plant/herb and when taken as a hole-----the human body can make use as foods---BUT when specific parts are isolated---then you can have a problem.
SO oxalates by them selves surely may be killers to the kidneys.
"IF" I ever feel a kidney issue / sign appear, I will reduce or stop the HIGH OXALATE DIET
I have been waiting for months, for the most dense food source on planet earth---it seems to be almost be a forbidden food in the usa as customs likes destroying it--even though it is just the most simplest food of them all in nature---and when blended with the highest OXALATE daily diet----extreme DENSE FOODS are needed in very small quantities which simple means, you eat very little easily and the least amount of food eaten is surely the greatest diet of them all.
CRAP FOODS sold in stores are the least dense foods on earth, so people must eat eat eat.
People are not fat or sick based on their diet, they are an example of their thyroid health...people with the UPSIDE DOWN - APPLE appearance have a very ill thyroid and no diet is going to cure their weight issues--the cure for fat and sickness is to cure your thyroid first.