Hollywood has tried to help for the past 70 years
The satanic openly tell you they are feeding you lab grown meat ---they surely were raising baby meat first
CHUCK warned the world, as did countless movie stars
THEY LIVE and e very similar movie seeks to expose little by little
Not only do they use human kidneys, monkey kidneys in your shots---they use dog kidneys
ONCE all the humans have been killed---the walking zombies will demand human meat
200 million+ herded slaves have no idea what they walked/flew into----- OR they are more acceptable to eating people..the satanist/uniformed/licensed only have 1 agenda--using dna, they hunt down and seek to exterminate all humans since 1915 and what is left will freely eat each other. Once the body is poisoned several generations---Nature will recognize it as alien defective specie demanding world wide disease to cleanse the planet of it.