The trouble with the trolls---they never chopped wood, they bawl and cry and do nothing with their life---they set around hating life.
as for the man in the video-----medical has a drug they give some people that "instantly" they are gone---they have zero control of their body and some demonic spirit has control of it...."if" they survive the drug, they will return to their body in 30-60 days and have a story something like this guy and most will never talk about it out of fear people will call them "crazy".
There are endless versions of such stories----
Obviously the person was not "dead' -------there are those that long ago, were laying dead in the morgue, with an organ removed, such as a heart, etc. and as dead as dead comes and yet, some dr tried and the person came back to life and are still alive 50+ years later and again-----have stories of what happened after they died. These stories are endless.
ONE THING is for REAL- humans are "connected' to a degree and helpers/guides call them what you will---are watching all the time.....if you have a "thought", that thought WAS "GIVEN" TO YOU.....You might do something today that you will not use for 10, 20,40 years in the future or maybe the next generation use never are guided to do so.
William Branham was perhaps the only one to say he could see if a human was a real human or a demon once they spoke words and that he could follow those words back to a place he called the REGIONS where humans and demons live and where these humans / demons possess the human body on earth and remotely control it............and most of all, William Branham proved that when entire towns had demons removed from people, the people were healed of crippling diseases------suggesting the biblical idea that people can have 6,666 demons possessing their body---fighting to take control of the body on earth.
The internet today is plastered with endless stories of after death experiences----only each story proves the person was not dead.
Stories use to be popular of people who wake up 1 day and walk away---and when asked why? They claim, that person died/left and I now took their body and I do not know their family/friends and I am GONE....
endless endless stories of people willing to tell them.........and those on drugs can experience everything---or, just try on some night vision developed for the Vietnam war and see demons and devils all around you---with no need for drugs--take off the night vision and your eyes can not see them.........just like color blind people can not see certain colors---people can not see many things all around them.
108 is an ancient example of "guides" that sill exist on earth----- JESUS said that GOD has created so much--it is beyond human comprehension on earth just a form of "education". Choices to make or reject.