Newport always said to stand still and do nothing. MH 108 8 spoke of the same thing. Maybe I would of glitched earlier if I didn’t attack. To be honest.
But also, off topic a bit…if unwell. Wear white clothes as much as possible as there is energy/Prana circulating around every time you move and walk on Earth all day everyday.
When I feeling unwell. I sleep in white, white beds and white clothes I sleep in.
I bought a Muslim White Overalls. Whatever you call it and sleep in it.
White the colour will heal you energectically as well. Wear white clothes during the day a white shirt or jumper or white shorts and white socks and white underwear as much as possible. It’s God’s favourite colour, white.
Be white as Salt. Colour therapy!
I have a thing for Purple and Gold. Purple protects Red and Red is the colour of the Gods. Gold wards off Evil and was given to Jesus. Buddha had 200 Gold Leafs a day. In the movie the Matrix Seraph was depicted as having Gold Energy from Neo’s eyes.
Stay strong Bugsy! Hang on the Cross.
Peace Bruder.