With a Cross on his right cheek.
God love him.
I have been there done that. Triggered by conspiracies that are real and deep spiritual experiences that made me go to jail.
I take responsibility. Upset me it did all this. Hurt a lot. Didn’t understand why God would allow this and made me think I had to do it…
Like I am the Punishment of God to society in a truthful, non-violent way. Lol
But on my end. My actions was very not that bad actually never killed or raped anyone or touched anyone…I would never do that take another life nor would I have a bad word or bad thought to anyone. Considering I was in the high risk facility with cold blooded killers.
I believe and my loved ones all agree. It was bullshit me going to jail for a month, custody. I did end up in the psychiatric ward for a month they believed I had schizophrenia and I was let go by the court and cops.
The Universe is quiet f**ked up. Once you realise and FEEL IT. It’s pretty horrible. Truther Depression and Truther Anger.
After, 13 years of heaps of Prayers I became a Glitch in the Matrix but unfortunately my Prayers didn’t LAND Properly or Manifest. I am sure my Prayers worked every time in little ways…. I found so much PEACE in Prayer and that’s why I Prayed so much I felt something inside of me to Pray as much as I did. Sure, I felt lovely things but no true healings.
There was no real Grace received well, in little ways and one big way recently. By then, I was pissed at everything. My Astral Projection and Pyschic Insight my Syncronicties.
Yeah. I did my best! To be honest. God works in mysterious ways.
I regret a few things because I could of just stood still and did nothing. Just society and finding out God exist and conspiracies that are true and real. Education system, police, liberals, governement, nasa, medico mafia, wars and the Zionist Jews… OMG it’s just one big Hell Hole.
Difficult to live an Honest Life, a Lovely Life with all this shit going on in the Universe. Hard to find a Decent Woman a Good Woman.
It seems that if you do well in this Universe your corrupt. Turning into an Adult seems like Growing Up as a Child into a Adult you have to do do corrupt things to Win and Succeed.
It seems when you turn 18 it’s the Big Bad World that you have to accept and become. It’s horrible.
Innocence gone and filled with pollution in the body and brain and heart. Corrupt Universe! Know one once to be a Child of God and be Pure and Good Hearted and search for Truth and God.
Processing all this TRUTH IS is just insane. People, Society just turn there backs to it. Ridiculous! It hurt me ALOT KNOWING ALL THIS.
That’s why with Legna I understand what Legna is saying and she/he is right about certain things not all what she or he is saying. Even tho she’s trolling and picking fights when we can relate on this Forum.
Legna, cool it! Don’t attack us. Far out Vegemite!
Anyways, One off day triggered a bunch of huge amount energy that didn’t for some time favourite me. Consequences!
But, funny thing is it didn’t stop me Praying. In Jail, Custody and Psych Ward and all the years before it and still Praying today.