maybe not people---but other life forms on earth---appear to becoming "SMARTER"....
animals, even fish, insects---becoming "smarter", more "aware".....even plants are evolving.
It is amazing that dogs are not talking to humans by now........
The shot in the foot forced upon babies born in the hospitals has always been A LIE-------an evil act..
The stuff the average person does to their pets and livestock ----WHAT "IF" it is to make the babies and animals---STUPID...
WHAT "IF" all that aluminum since 1945 in every breath of air you have every taken---was to make you DUMBED DOWN?
What "IF" all the state leaders are allowing booze and lots of pot in each state, with endless toxic drugs and poisoned added to foods---to make you STUPID and no wonder you ended ups a troll like idiot...
WHAT "IF" all life on earth, is actually becoming more AWARE and humans poisoned so they are too stupid to see it.....
What "IF" spring 2026, you wake up and all the other life on earth---wakes up and is AWARE?
PAUL born shortly after JESUS had his life and times---written in live a point, he entered and was trained and when he left, he could speak all languages, including all animal languages...and he received a bonus educateion---he was tought how to take his body anywhere on earth ant his command and even the pope's bible admits no jail/building could hold PAUL--SUCH people are often called gods just because they were "gifted"...and according to some, the same Paul was teaching people not long ago, shortly after world war 1 and explaining people had better straighten up, because soon enough, it is all going to hit the fan--again, because the earth is a self-cleansing planet.
A good hypnotist can take most any adult person and demonstrate they can speak most any language, including can easily go on line and fine people that will talk to your pets and they can be in a different country--no need to be in person.
IN FACT--those people, who are AWARE and understand---they can ask your cow, your pig, your horse, even YOUR BABY, any question you want and receive an answer ----and your little child will tell them---WHY they are behaving such a manner, etc., etc. and explain things they are going to do m/ change years later......I have seen it done and happen exactly as promised by the child, etc.....
THERE are plenty of people that under the influence of medical drugs-----experience a "life" for days, even a month+ and they are not in their human body left behind---some other spirit has that body and when the drug wears off weeks or a month later-----there have been people that lived an entire lifetime complete with children---all while just under a drug in the dentist chair----an entire lifetime in 15 minutes......
WHAT "IF" your cow does not like the IDEA that your going to kill it and eat it? WHAT IF a day happens that they all are AWARE?
What "if", march 2026 is that type of world EVENT----all life becomes AWARE?
No one supposedly understands what to expect march or sometime in 2026 what is suppose to happen----but, if you look around, listen, is EASY TO UNDERSTAND world wide gov---all of them--they all believe something BIG is going to happen in 2026 and "they" may not survive that very well----as a result--all of them is / has been going crazy around the entire world....and it is prob going to get allot worse----they are affecting 140+ countries... the poor are basically being phased out under their control....and they appear to want people removed....gone.
Something is UP and the organized was warned by ELIJAH 70+ years ago that they were not going to survive next time.
ALL FOOD for the troll to munch on....