The story of Noah can be debated, but the ship does exist and all the anchor stones are exactly where they were recorded (not in the bible) and the animal stories are carved in stone on the anchors, etc. etc. so it is at least known that either the mountains rose around the ship or the ship took a ride and since it is proven that a time existed when water shot up in5o space and fell back on earth so fast as "frozen crystals" ---that all the animals froze solid where they stood as many feet, maybe hundreds of feet of ice crystals froze them solid, so solid that as little as 100 years ago anyone could buy dinosaur steaks in NYC restaurants---- AMERICAN High school history books showed pictures of the dinosaurs being eaten in the restaurants.
I assume they speculate an asteroid hit 1 side of the earth and or a volcano exploded the water into space and most believe rocks from earth hit the moon at that event------either way, that is exactly how the glaziers were all formed and in Russia today, dinosaurs are still thawing out and being collected some complete with MEAT on the bones.
So the Noah boat may have been on the other side of the planet and took a quick trip to the mountain tops and then slid back down the mountain---they all believe the ship kept slipping down the mountain as it was drug downward by the huge anchor stones that are as tall as people......can you imagine how powerful REAL MEN were back then that could handle stones the side of men..... humans have became weaker every year since the ancient days when men were powerful.
OR take the pope's version that it rained 40 days and 40 nights and all the dinosaurs drowned and that is why the popes burned 1,000's people to death until none would say they were crazy....
The pope's version was that all the other people on earth were evil and Noah's family the only ones to be "saved"... SO LETS GO WITH THAT STORY------evil people
A few lines in the pope's bible says GOD makes all those demon possessed people for his purposes.....and to not worry---BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT HUMANS-----just demons doing allot of evil for your personal EDUCATION.
The SPEED UP history to the point of JESUS---the entire planet pretty much bases allot on the life and times of JESUS---
IF a person did not believe JESUS EXISTED---they would never ever use a calendar that says this is the year 2023..just the idea of such a thing would make the atheist go crazy and be an internet troll for ever...
Jesus had his "words" written down in live time and the popes had that 1 original book that they used to fabricate their version of events..........and in that book, JESUS pretty much explains WHY all those evil demonic satanist creatures torment the planet and all that lives on it--again, because they were never humans to begin with.
Then you have the question of---can a demon harm a real human or just kill their fellow demons? NO ON really wants to know that answer....can demons take your body? Again no one wants to know that answer---are there 666 possible demons according to the pope's version in a human body? or as Jesus said, 6,666 demons and would any REAL HUMAN expect an 2 legged person to be a "good" person if they have 6,666 demons making them do evil till the body dies....
NO MATTER what religion on this entire planet anyone believes in or does not believe in----they all pretty much agree there are down right evil people and in biblical times it was known that these evil people will do an anything for the fake gov $$$$. Chopping up babies all day long would mean nothing for them--because as a demon, that is all they exist to do.
WORLD WAR 1 ushered in a new degree of "organized" evil---the colleges. Hand picked brain washed zombies that prove they do not believe in God what so ever....and they have no problem serving evil for $$$$$ and power over humans.
Born in 1907 a boy as the witness to the evil of world war 1.....that boy could listen to any human and follow their voice back to what he called THE REGIONS and he 100% believed he could see if they were demons or humans....
ALL THESE YEARS LATER---humans world wide are taking notice that 2 types of people are existing on earth---and even the fake news has noticed that people are in 2 general classes when they speak...makes no difference what language...they have a distinct "difference" between good people verses bad people-----something similar to what the boy had the ability to do-----and that boy, according to all that knew him had a best friend---what the popes called----Paul of their new testament bible version...and Paul educated this boy what to tell the people of earth and he did so for years and as in standard historical form---miracles followed so people would take notice..and this boy could see the FUTURE, he could see every human that was going to be helped far in advance and that gave him GREAT COURAGE and Pastor Lee Vayle noticed and said, the only human to ever walk this earth with that much COURAGE was ELIJAH and while the miracles were being performed as the boy became "Possessed" with what he knew as an Angel---Pastor Vayle asked that angel, are "YOU" ELIJAH and he said yes and I will return at the END.
Under the Possession of ELIJAH all the demons in the room---just common looking people----were known to DROP DEAD and the men at the meetings would take their bodies outside ad stack them like cord wood---meaning more than 1 fell dead. THIS VERY DAY you can listen to video of men that were young back then and still alive today---that watched those demons fall dead------and surely many were their neighbors........
DEMONS have but 1 job---to be evil, it is to be expected that evil flows all over this earth---because in the Book of JESUS, he explains who all these "leaders" are evil serve satan and NOT ONE back then believed in GOD; they all believed they had power, they believed in $$$/power and evil......
JESUS wrote that in the END, less than 30 people on earth will believe in GOD and that goes along with the story of NOAH---in the end, only a handful worth saving.
Then you have ELIJAH / PAUL and that boy's version of end times------their story goes like this:
ALL the evil people will be on the "OUTSIDE" eating on each other and ever being able to die----while INSIDE the chosen ones will be bought before ELIJAH inside a tent---1 by 1 and ELIJAH will make them "NEW" and make them a new earth to inherit.
The MONKS, they have already planted virgins all over earth and they believe every human will fall dead instantly and then their boss, from hundreds of years ago, will plead with GOD to restore these virgin couples and they will inherit a new earth
The MONKS believe the end is near.
The boy grew up to have thousands of visions and he believed he could ask GOD any question any human on earth had and the visions were that when cars drive them selves safely----L.A. will slide into the Pacific and BINGO---the times of Noah all over---but this time---100% are suppose to fall dead instantly. JESUS wrote that 100% will all fall dead instantly and said very little about ELIJAH in the future---
100% of all books that have been translated and copied into every language "all" will have misinterpretations....that is why the world would be better off if no book ever existed.
The boy that witnessed world war 1? He wrote no books, Pastor Lee Vayle wrote the first book about him and when it was shown to him, he read it and said, none of these word are my words, this is what I said to the public as I was instructed to say---so he said yes, this book is "OK", because it is not of "me" the human.
That book was never a "commercial" book, it was printed a hard back book and generally handed out by Pastor Lee Vayle that wrote it.....he gave a copy to kids he would meet-------
DO NOT READ SUCH BOOKS, unless you really want them---that particular book has a reputation, when handed out, if that person did not read it quickly---they were prone to accidents such as broken much so that people noticed and told Pastor Vayle and his answer was--GOD works in mysterious ways and now those boys have plenty of time to read the book.
YA NEVER KNOW what is real and what is not an your only SAFE BET is to trust GOD with every breath of air you ever take---because with that last breath---that is when you know.