Just recently in the news, hey man was sent home to die with cancer they did everything they could do, so they sent him home to hospice, but then he was talking to a friend that was a veterinarian, and his veterinarian friend told him to start taking dog dewormer, it's been about 7 years now and the guy is cancer-free. Did he connect the dots between Cancer and parasites? And the scientists are amazed at how this happens. But the biggest thing is it made headlines, and it also gave us one of the biggest clues in the world. So here's my deal, if a person really believe that an orange juice fast would cure all diseases and give you a new body, but there's never been one headline, not one, not even on here, where someone save their self by drinking orange juice sugar. I'm sorry if that don't make a statement nothing will. But the best way to find out who's telling the truth is to give it a try, and if it don't work say so, and give something else a try and if it don't work say so. But to get angry at your customers for questioning your product/advise thats not working/and/or bad side affects.When a leader trys to cast blame on their studius students and contantly contidicting their own verbage,would it be fair to question everything at that point?