Honey Bees
I have read allot about the use of bees dating back thousands of years---everything the bee makes and the bee its self.
Books can say anything----but:
I have 3 German shepherds that follow me everywhere on the farm---there is 1/4 mile drive between 2 barns and the dogs run that 1/4 mile many times every day of their life and in-between there are ponds that they jump into as long as ice is not blocking them.
I got a FREE full blooded black female on craigs list about 5 years ago---a security dog at a business that they give their dogs away when they are almost 4 years old. Because they fix the females, she weighed 110 pounds---looked like a solid black bear..
She could not run past 8 mph---pathetic but an example of what bad diet, bad vets do---basically the same applies to human females that would have followed the same path.
Quickly she slimmed down and was running 24 MPH with zero issues for the following years----her counter part, a younger all black female runs 28 MPH year around............
In the past year, the old dog would slow down on the hot days and often ran 1/2 way at maybe 14 MPH and often walking the last 1/2---making her appear old---but mostly hot.
She would leave the honey bees alone, until the other day the male pup grabbed an old piece of honey comb that I was feeding the bees and he placed it at the front door----right where that old dog likes to lay down-------long story short---I watched that old dog chew and swallow 5 live bees and she probably ate more than that before I picked up the honey comb and placed it away from the house ....
That was 3-4 days ago an that OLD DOG has been running a steady 24 MPH since she ate the bees.This morning she was running 24 MPH and exceedingly appeared happy.
"IF" you read allot of books about longevity and the subject of bees---you find russian books, chinese books preaching fountain of life type claims-----everything from bee pollen to royal jelly, etc......but the old books preach eating the entire bee.
Strangely enough often the only country that has the ODD STUFF is the Ukraine......and nothing eatable should be collected in the Ukraine for the next century, especially bees.
Now these old bee people---they collected their dead bees to eat-------that sounds foolish to me.....
summer time bees only live 30 days and the winter bees may live 9 months max... and anyone can feed honey bees and they will come from miles around for FREE and once you feed them---they will not sting you...you can pick them up, pet them, do anything and they will not sting...you can even accidentally kill them and the others do not seem to care at all---they say the bee has a brain about the size of pin head--and yet, they surely are smarter than many humans.
OLD OLD medical drs believed the bee was a insect physician to the humans, their stinger is sterile.(they claim)
Medical learned years ago to collect bee venom and use it as a drug via heir needles, a few drugs based on bee vendom.
The whole bee includes an ANTI-DOTE, similar to the whole herb can possess the antidote to the toxic part of the plant.
The theory was, 1 bee per day--the entire bee.
They are easily captured into a bag, dropped into the freezer and then placed in the vita-mixer and wham---instant bee for the smoothie an ideally 1 bee per day.
The OLD DOG at times had a hard time getting up in the morning---stiff as a board---true ARTHRITIS and every book and product you read about bee venom talks about the cure for arthritis.
In the USA, eating the whole bee today seems to be a taboo subject......and I have never read about eating anything but old dead bees.....while I have watched dogs my entire life chimp up live bees---but only this year, took notice.
There was a bee book written in 2005 on the subject of longevity and that book seems to be impossible to find anywhere around the world---even amazon messed up and did not copy the book.....today they never mess us---they copy every book and can mass print just about any book ever printed that still can be sold---except for that 1 bee book....
I don't think there can be anymore about bees once you learn to eat the bee---but I am guessing the dosage varies between authors..
Those that read the old medical about wild harvested oregano oil---will find studies around 1910+ showing that when used properly, wild oregano is equal to morphine for killing pains of the bones......so much so, it becomes --"miraculous"..the key is taken daily for life and so it would be for the bee.
FREE BEES flying just about everywhere..
You can buy a whole hive of bees from people on face book---bring it home, wait till after dark, slide out a section covered with bees, put into a bag, drop in a freezer and you have instant access to eating a bee per day------
Naturally those allergic to everything would avoid bees, herbs, life outside their apartment.