Robert has surely made hundreds of self-videos
Mostly from Hawaii
He is a "fasting" expert, specially water fasting---water fasting is possible by HEALTHY HUMANS----less than healthy, they should use orange juice fasting.
ROBERT is by far the "BEST" wealthy dr in the world--he is not the typical most all medical drs are and would never ever talk to common people.
Robert makes videos to PASS ON WHAT he has learned on "ALL" subjects and this video is about BASS FISHING and even though he catches none----his education about California is GREAT as he explains the lake he is fishing on and has been most of his life when he is in the states....
15 miles from HELL / World War 3 is a subject he covers well and that subject covers FLORIDA as well as CALIFORNIA where wealthy people that receive MILLIONS of FREE ENDLESS WEALTH live in multi million $$$ homes paying enormous taxation for 1 simple reason------TO INSURE all the dying slaves do not happens in every state....those that re "ORGANIZED", truly evil people around the entire world---they use the fake $$$$ to kill the poor, so they can have it the state of California the wealthy are destroying the state, so they can rob the people........and their own laws enable them to kill and rob freely.......
ROBERT EXPLAINS how just 15 miles from where he is in paradise------the next city is a living hell, where people are dying on the streets---while where he grew up, it is PARADISE, where the drs and movie stars live/own.
ROBERT has supplied hundreds of subjects on LIVING and THRIVING and for many years allowed members to come stay in one of his gorgeous houses in Hawaii. Naturally he charges $$$, otherwise the bad people would always destroy anything good.
Robert is not catching fish--but he proves he has fished allot---he can cast a bait casting reel as good as anyone I have seen on the Pro Line.........but he had no luck....we enjoy bass fishing and we build our own lakes, raise our own fish and hell is further than 15 miles away---more like 50 miles away.......and his education on CALIFORNIA TAXES is a must listen............the college "professionals" literally kill hundreds of millions of people by professional design---known as laws/taxation/prisons/poisons---NOT FOR THEM, but for thee...................The few wealthy people I have ever met--proved to me, they and their families before them---THEY NEVER PAID TAXES and have homes all over the world.........
$$$$$$ for over 2,000 years has been a "SLAVE" Game by the college professionals-----you agree to harm/kill---they will give you allot of free $$$$$$ and let you keep it.....and the hungry slaves will work for them in exchange for the fake $$$$ so they can have shelter and eat.......
NEVER allow $$$ to control you----never borrow from a bank, never pay "interest"----learn to "USE" their fake $$$ for good, not evil.
108 the most historical number in human history-----is all about human survival and not being a victim of the rat race.
Dr. Robert is by far not perfect on every subject and he does not pretend to be....he grew up in the MEDICAL WORLD.......he is forever learning and enjoys being a self made teacher......his college education gets in his way, he believes in too many lets say---synthetic stuff, but in generality he is one of the best self-made teachers in America.
Robert has no problem with your own home raised meats in moderation; but his paradise in Hawaii has like 30 acres of fruit trees and if you stay at one of his houses---free fruit comes with the deal and you can swim in his mountain water falls....
Robert Highly believes in exercise.....lots of sunshine. He pretty much has to live off grid with his own water and electric.
In California your black bass can be 15+ pound, maybe 20 pound if your extremely lucky.......while in the video he talks about on a good day he catches 3 pound bass---he explains that the majority of the 2,000 or so wealthy people living on the lake----just want to party, drink and party as HELL exist just 15 miles away and ONCE all the people DIE IN HELL-----the wealthy will take over CALIFORNIA and just like Dubai----all the poor people chased out into the deserts...