I read someplace to say to yourself I'll wait fifteen minutes, and maybe I will forget In the mean time realize your fine, it didn't happen, and be happy today. I'm on Day 1 of cleanse also. Feeling a little tired. Had lemon aid at 7:30, Now I'm having another. I have, also drank 4 cups of distilled cold water and also 4 cups of hot water with 1 teaspoon
Sea Salt in it. No pain felt and did have a bowel movement 2 1/2 hrs. after taking it. I was fine.I am feeling tired. I also belched some big belches, unusual for me. I feel happy, but also a little sad, but I don't know if this is connected to this or not. My mind wants to run in different directions, but I'm not letting it I'm centering on this right now.
Good Luck on your first day. Enjoy it. Relax. Your Safe.