Okie dokie....my two cents...ggg
The salt water flush would probably not be appropriate for you at this time. It does flush out everything and you would not want to flush out the chemicals coming in and flushing out all the chemical residues in your muscle tissue too quickly could have an unwanted effect. Instead, think about opting for the tea in the morning and evening to begin with.
I do applaud you for making a decision to improve your health but also feel under the circumstances, you may have to develop a strategy and find the courage to stick with it. There are lots of options, the first, finding a good naturopath who could direct you through the steps of detoxing gently, the other, to educate yourself extensively, here on this site, in books, and on the web about alternatives to the medications you are taking. If I were you, I would try to bring my blood pressure down as a start. The path to health can be a personal adventure and achievement and worth the walk. It demands focus and courage but does shed
Depression and lack of self-esteem, and as one ages, it is like mental, emotional and physical exercise are the determining factors for quality of life. Ask questions and blow the chaff away from what you are looking for. Patience will be helpful as there are varying degrees of understanding and vision....
In the distant past, I had cataplexy and was probably one of the first human guinea pigs for Zoloft which was supposed to help the condition. You had to be hospitalized to get off that stuff then and it made me into a zombie and was certainly worse than the disorder, so I know how you feel relative to concerns about stopping your meds. On the other hand, the meds greatly have adverse effects on your liver, and so I told my doctor, harming my liver is worse for me than the cataplexy and so I was weaned off and stayed off. You do have options. Look at a PDR and read about the side-effects of the medications, on the organs or potential problems they can present and then decide what to do. A series of Somer's simple
Liver Flushes would do wonders for you and like Terri said, things would change and you may decide you can begin re-evaluating your needs. Taking supplements like Milk Thistle would also support the liver...
The cleanse for you would be different perhaps. It can be a modified Master Cleanse and still improve your digestion in that it would still slough off the old intestional debris and cleane the *gutters* so-to-speak. It will be most important for you to pay very close attention to your body and not push if it wants to rest. If you have access to a colon therapist, it would be beneficial if the tea is not moving the releases fast enough. Half your weight in
ounces of water will be a good key to moving it all along.
Do your homework and get comfortable in the control seat...you are heading in a good direction....just keep going.
One additional thought for down the road. St. John's Wort is used and very effective in Europe although not as profitable as the meds here so overlooked more. I have used the tincture with flower remedies for a
Depression I went through in a grieving process. I can recommend it and it is something that will not harm the liver.
Blessings on your healing path,