I have built 3 new places since age 21------all 3 with new ponds loaded with fish, all 3 far away from cities, all three with fertile land for raising food.....as I built and sold, my last place I own and not the bank----my ponds have at least 35,000+ pounds of fish......I have counted herds ass many as 100 deer and the huge bucks are so plentiful that my boys invite their friends over during season and last year they all got a huge buck within a few hours---because herds of them just walk by---that said, I would never ever eat one of those things----we can buy permits to shoot 3 per year and they are dog food---dogs have the ability to eat such creatures. BUT, it is all hit the fan---many people like the taste of the wild deer.
LAND, Fences, Gates and plentiful of large german shepherds that would die for you---that makes life "interesting".... "IF" you can not stay on your property and LIVE WELL for at least 1 year----then you did not PREPARE.
If you can not stay disease free---your screwed. BIRD FLUE (military anthrax/bubonic plague) is real, disease sprayed from jets is real......if you live past age 40 since 1992 they do not like you---and they never ever liked you to begin with.
YOU must be prepared to live well in all situations...............that said, the pros preach you must be prepared to leave 100% behind---because when millions walk out of the cities they will take and eat everything like a hive of grasshoppers --including eating you.
LUCKILY 95% of what people fear the most does not happen in their lifetime----but for hundreds of millions---it does.