Alex Jones says SVB is the start of the globalist plan to collapse smaller regional banks so that they can be absorbed by the 6 Big Banks connected to the Fed Reserve with an end goal to introduce Digital Currency aka CBDC’s as a solution to a crisis they created. Thoughts?
— Melissa Tate (@TheRightMelissa) March 12, 2023
Bill Holter’s commentary:
“What will happen? We will all soon see in real time …!”
Financial podcasts have been featuring ominous headlines lately along the lines of “Your Bank Can Legally Seize Your Money” and “Banks Can STEAL Your Money?! Here’s How!” The reference is to “bail-ins:” the provision under the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act allowing Systemically Important Financial Institutions (SIFIs, basically the biggest banks) to bail in or expropriate their creditors’ money in the event of insolvency. The problem is that depositors are classed as “creditors.” So how big is the risk to your deposit account? Part I of this two part article will review the bail-in issue. Part II will look at the derivatives risk that could trigger the next global financial crisis.
Edited just now by turiya
The Biden Administration is responding to the panic phone calls that their Marxist philosophy will bring down the entire financial system. My ear is red as can be. I have had enough of the phone calls today to last the balance of the month. Trying just to do the right thing! Three banks have effectively gone down in the week of March 6th, which our computer was targeting. There have been Silicon Vally Bank, Signature Bank, and Silvergate Bank.
The Regulators perhaps saw the handwriting on the wall. This NO BAILOUT claiming that no taxpayer money will be used for a bailout of their hated rich, how about just using the taxpayer’s money you are throwing down the train in Ukraine? Depositors in Signature and SVB they are now saying would be made whole. If they do not cover ALL deposits, the monumental banking failure will be catastrophic.
Our forecast for a Banking Crisis is by NO MEANS confined to the United States. It will be far worse in Europe. We can see our computer not only targeted 2023 for a key turning point with a Directional Change but a Panic Cycle next year in bank stocks, but interest rates will be rising higher as also the risk of banks and governments escalated especially when they insist on waging war against Russia.
The yield curve is critical and we must understand that this insane war against Russia, even economically, will be a major financial disaster not much different from Vietnam which brought down Bretton Woods and forced Nixon to close the gold window on August 15th, 1971. It was that unrestrained spending directed by the Neocons. Then too, it was all about Russia they assumed was behind Vietnam.
Once more, the reckless spending on war promoted by the Neocons is undermining the entire economy. They have lost every war they have promoted – Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, proposed Syria, Libya regime change, and now Ukraine. These people are never held accountable for all the devastation and the lives lost.
War is the primary driver of inflation and the central banks will not even address it for they do not want to “criticize” the Neocons. They might wake up with their dog’s head in the bed as in the Godfather. The central banks will NOT be able to contain this inflation or ever reach their 2% target regardless if the economy turns down just as what happened during Vietnam.
This is a warning to all small banks. Understand the REAL trend or you will NOT survive. Major capital is fleeing the long-term and rising into the short-term because they see rates are rising and any long-term bond investment during a period of war is going to be a major losing trade. Do not get trapped by the yield curve and understand that this trend is in play into 2025.
This Banking Crisis has been caused by Governments who artificially kept interest rates too low since 2008 and in the process, this banking crisis is unfolding because too many banks are UNSOPHISTICATED in forecasting and have been listening to the talking heads on TV and the desperate hope that inflation will decline while ignoring Ukraine entirely. Get that wrong – and you will NOT survive.
I strongly urge small banks to take our business services for access to real forecasting that is not biased or tarnished by human opinion with the two most dangerous words in forecasting:
Categories: Banking Crisis
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New Analysis Finds SVB Bank Spent More Than $73 Million on Donations to BLM & Related Organizations@TuckerCarlson: "Wow! And this is not personal funds. Apparently, these are bank funds. Be kind of nice to have that money now..."
— The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) March 15, 2023
We have a MAJOR problem with this Biden Administration. It is so radically left, it is now endangering the entire economy, not just the banking system. Biden lied to the public claiming there were no buyers for the Silicon Valley Bank. In fact, in London, HSBC immediately stepped forward to strike a deal for SVB in London. Why was HSBC buying SVB’s overseas operation but Biden claimed there were “no buyers” for SVB in the USA? When I was told that it made no sense. Something was not panning out with the regulators who typically call in other banks immediately and work out their shot-gun weddings. I know, I got one of those calls from the Japanese government to buy a brokerage house in Tokyo when the French bank Palace went bust.
When Biden tried to reassure Americans that the banking system was safe and not to worry, the professionals just in their gut had a raw feeling of distrust. The Markets took a nose-dive on Monday and many bank stocks plunged with some down 60% or even more. I found it unbelievable that there was nobody in the wings looking to buy up this bank. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. said it couldn’t find a private buyer for SVB when HSBC was buying up SVB quickly in London.
The rumors began to circulate that what was really taking place was that the FDIC Chairman Martin Gruenberg rejected deals. Rather, there were actually talks of covering just the $250,000 and screwing the rest. The uninsured depositors were about 85%. Then there were the cross-bank obligations that exist in any such deal the Biden Administration wasn’t acknowledging. Take Mr. Biden’s pledge that “no losses will be borne by the taxpayers.” He actually said: “the money will come from the fees that banks pay into the Deposit Insurance Fund.” The fees paid by banks would NEVER cover 85% of deposits that were not insured.
It became obvious that if the FDIC let the bank fail and 85% of the deposits would lose everything, including Oprah Winfrey, it would set off a monumental banking crisis nationwide. I could not scream that loud enough from the top of every roof in Washington. Sources say that since SVB was in California, the hopelessly leftist state, the lines lit up in Washington as the Democratic donors began to wail loudly and that forced the FDIC on Sunday to announce it would cover uninsured deposits at SVB and Signature Bank under its “systemic risk” exception. The “guy” to pull that off was most likely not common sense, but Democratic insiders and they saw their donation evaporate in the middle of the night.
Biden had also claimed that:
“Investors in the banks will not be protected. They knowingly took a risk and when the risk didn’t pay off, investors lose their money. That’s how capitalism works.”
What I know is that where most sophisticated banks hedge their interest rate risk but in the case of SVB and Signature, they apparently believed the leftist vision that inflation would subside and the Fed would not continue to raise rates. These are clearly political fools who are so indoctrinated into the leftist regime, that they know nothing about central banks. Inflation began rising from January 2020. Why did the Fed wait until 2022 to begin raising rates?
Simply because the Fed KNOWS the most significant fact in driving inflation historically is ALWAYS war! Remember WWI, WWII, Korean War, & Vietnam? As soon as the Ukraine War began, that is when the Fed raised rates and there is NO WAY Powell will ever even mention war because he cannot criticize this insane Biden Administration.
The Fed will not publically criticize the administration or Congress which controls the fiscal policy. This Ukrainian War has been instigated by the Neocons, directed by the Neocons who have infiltrated the Biden Administration, and now are fully in control of US foreign policy acting unconstitutionally. They have waged this war against Russia with no end in sight, and no intention of ever engaging in any peace negotiations, and should be called before Congress and held accountable for the FIRST TIME in more than 30 years of endless wars.
As always, Biden blamed the bank panic on the Trump Administration for modifying some 2010 Dodd-Frank Act rules, which was a 2018 bipartisan banking law. That simply raised the threshold for systemically important financial institution (Sifi) classification to $250 billion from $50 billion in assets. That was not Trump’s personal position. That revision would not have prevented the failures of SVB or Signature. Dodd-Frank encouraged banks to load up on these assets, which were especially sensitive to the rapid rise in interest rates. Yet somehow regulators failed to monitor this interest-rate duration risk. But everything that ever goes wrong is always Trump’s fault right down to the migration crisis and global warming. Biden never takes responsibility for anything.
We have a REALLY very serious problem inside the Biden Administration. It is a radical LEFTIST administration that is so intent on dividing the country rich v poor that is now threatening the entire economy. The markets are revealing that we have problems with bank balance sheets and/or income statements that run much deeper for there is a duration risk unaccounted for in the face of another Neocon endless war. For the FDIC to even entertain covering only the minimum and to decline to allow a larger bank to acquire SVB in a shotgun wedding because that would allow rich banks to get bigger, meaning we have a serious infiltration of radical leftist agenda in the Biden Administration that can bring down everything.
The White House’s response to such a financial panic was to do nothing, blame Trump, and screw depositors. This is undermining confidence in the government, which would never have been expected with such a degree of incompetence.
This will be yet another Biden scandal but one that destroys the long-term viability of the United States. Personally, nobody could have predicted such a level of complete incompetence would have ever seized the White House. To reject bids for SVB was stupid, and a complete reversal of fiscal responsibility.
Categories: Banking Crisis
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If this was in Tehran, Moscow or Hong Kong, the UNSC would be urgently meeting to discuss humanitarian intervention and sanctions. But it’s Paris, nothing to see here.
— Hadi Nasrallah (@HadiNasrallah) March 12, 2023