Has anyone removed moles or freckles with essential oils, such as lavender, frankincense, tea tree oil? I used a combination of some of these to remove 3 moles that had changed shape over the years. After a short while of applying, they peeled right off. No pain involved. Only very slight discoloration underneath that needs to be lightened.
I've heard some diets also, such as complete raw vegan or fasting, can cause moles to come off. Does anyone have experience with this and care to explain how this is possible? The cells of melanin clumps prepare to fall off or what? And this is not saying all moles must be unnatural and need to be removed, so what would cause them to come off? After a few applications of the oils, I grabbed the end of the moles, scratched a little, and they peeled off, when they had been there for possibly decades.
Does anyone have experience with skin cancer moles that have done so?