BEWARE-----all you people like the one that enjoys tormenting the curezone forums and basically all people on earth-----WATCH their show they call---HAUNTED HOSPITALS
I assure you that 90+ % if not 100% of that series is 100% ACCURATE ---Recreation with actors and names changed, etc....
NEAR 100%, I know for certain because I have listened to people explain these exact same stories for most of my life and seen and experienced plentiful of similar through out a lifetime and read plenty about such things from people that seen things that they would never forget or had to grow up in houses that "THINGS" lived and as children they had to live with these creatures....
Watch all of this series and then BEWARE-------if you were a bastard your entire lifetime, hated your parents, hated children, hated your life, lived like scum, treated everyone like trash------BEWARE of your last days.....
The Movie GHOST with Demi Moore was based on similar theory/stories of DEATH
If you are a low life piece of _______ there is a better than 50% chance you are going to be DRAGGED AWAY to what humans on earth refer as hell..what the BIBLE MONKS referred to as being stuck on the bottom of the ocean with a stone anchor around your neck for all eternity.
YOU CAN hide in a bottle----smoke your dope until you pass out----take pills and poisons until you destroy your body----THOSE ALL ALL SIHNS of demon possession---those that DELIBERATELY HARM their body are demons within---that is what demons do.
WATCH HAUNTED HOSPITALS TV Show----it is nearly 100% accurate recreation of what goes on world wide....
What do you BECOME when you die????? The Military calls it Aliens----Most call it the PARANORMAL----the unseen , the unknown.
Every town on earth has some abandoned houses, factories, hospitals, prisons --BECAUSE DEMONIC CREATURES LIVE THERE----thousands of them, maybe millions---who knows, could be billions on earth or trillions of them on earth....
PEOPLE do not destroy these buildings for 1 simple reason----they FEAR these DEMONS will just move into other buildings where the humans live...
NEVER live in a house where someone died
NEVER live near a cemetery or unknown burial grounds in located
NEVER TAUNT sickly old people on medical dope---unless you are prepared to hear what a demon inside them is willing to say to you---such as YOU ARE NEXT-----
DRUGS / HOSPITALS----all of that stuff is 100% B/S at the end----YOU WANT to see/talk to dead children/people --just hang out where they kill people or where people go to die......and YES< now countries want to just KILL YOU in their hospitals because you are defective and poor, etc.....WATCH and SEE HOW THAT WORKS OUT-----murder on even a large sale-----MURDER is what DEMONS DO.
The demons are ruling the cities NOW---they are letting murders free, rewarding thieves---demons helping demons murder babies and poison the children----PROOF the gates of hell are wide open and the demons becoming bolder by the day.....those in charge have always been the demons putting the selves in charge---the entire world knows them as college select professionals. They give them selves endless free $$$$$ and they buy slaves and have always purchased slaves with their fake $$$ systems.
Those that laugh and say B/S----that is 100% sign they are possessed, they are dying, they are in torment..
MANY EXAMPLES of demons, but the new series---HAUNTED HOSPITALS is an accurate recreation of the TRUTH and if it scares the hell out of you--that would be a GOOD THING, repent and clean up your body and brain and do good till you die---maybe you will have a chance-----
IF NOT----just wait ans see----see what comes for you at your miserableness end...you think your life sucks now----JUST WAIT until you become a shadow figure or some form of demon stuck on earth for EVER and EVER......FOREVER
IF you are a good person, love the body and life GOD gave to you------you may be blessed and when you die---your parents and family will be there to help you return to a wonderful place.....you might even see the MAN IN WHITE...
The MAN in WHITE is 100% real----just ASK PEOPLE who have died.... BEWARE that when you die---------_______ comes for you and then you are in hell for eternity haunting some building or cemetery or woods or ocean---who knows what.........
IF you refuse to watch those shows---then you already "know" you are ______...
As long as you are alive---you have a chance to change---remove those demons, etc...
ALCOHOLISM murders millions of people---the demons inside those people literally DRINK them SELVES TO DEATH.........100% of all the evil on earth is for you to be the WITNESS OF........be the witness and not the victim
When the END COMES, stand up and look forward----and not hide under a rock like demons try to do.
YOU GOT DEMONS in your house? GET THEM THE _____ OUT..... pitch the dope, the booze, the smoke and remove your worms and start living a good life........but you will not, because it is TOO LATE for most---their body was stolen many many years ago and that person no longer lives there......that is a sad fact for many today------drugs/dope/poisons killed them when they were little.....the demons, hundreds if not thousands owns that body..an that body spews lies and hate till it dies.