Humans love to eat---to "taste" foods..
The Dr. Hay clinic was a 14 day school as the patients were being "drained" via cool enemas. THE STAFF understood all these people would return to eating. It was the staff/nurses that came up with the COMBINATION DIET
Combinding foods so they did less damage in the stomach...... LIKE FOODS on the dinner plate.
Dr. Hay proved and believed in alkalinity. The Alkaline diet is not something humans like---humans like to EAT IT ALL and they will eat the selves to death.
1 alternative was FLETCHERISM---dr. fletcher proved an adult human can live well on 11 ounces of food per day, when chewed to a liquid in the mouth.
Dr. Jackson proved the Roman Soldier Diet and Dr. Jackson was THE BEST HEALTH / MEDICAL Author I have ever read. HE turned himself into a super man.
The there is the INDIA CURE------enabling people to live well past 150 years author that was 110 years old, an english soldier, wrote the cure down in a very small book...he was near dead at age 70 and remembered the cure that was given to him by a man in India that he saved that man's life from young thugs that were paid by the government to murder all humans over 100 years old.
While in bed, unable to walk in is 70's---he remembered the out of bed, grew new hair and new teeth and at age 110 he decided he should write the cure down, tell his story.
WE TODAY understand this cure as BREATHING CORRECTLY (YOGA)
LIGHT means allot---color
THE KEY---simple, take any food you can think of and that food had better not accumulate inside your body or it will be a cause for your death.
WE ARE BREATH-AIR-IANS----our food comes from our SUN---medical proved this by 1960.
Our Sun provides LIFE-----GOD CREATES US and gives us LIFE.....
No man will ever be capable of creating "LIFE".
SADLY, all the schools and colleges are all organized from their creation to brain wash the children..turning humans into livestock.
LOOK at the ENTIRE PICTURE of good verses evil on earth-------demons and people. The Paranormal, aliens, history and the Biblical Characters of ancient times----the 1 world order, the alien federation, etc., etc. etc.
Ad it all up and more and more it all proves the history of William Branham. The destruction of not only the USA by ______ people and the physical destruction----and the Return of ELIJAH and his friends...
The earth has always been FARMED for thousands and thousands of years.........Ya better Love Elijah and his buds and prey to God that you are a chosen one----because otherwise you will be on the OUTSIDE when the ____ hits the fan and living as a zombie being munched on for eternity does not sound like something anyone would enjoy. COULD ELIJAH just be poking fun at all the humans? Using the eternal zombie threat as a way to keep you in line on the farm? THINK ABOUT IT---fear rules.